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Activities in small enterprises

You can report your data here


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Start reporting

Companies typically spend approx. 10 minutes on this survey.

Report using the direct link

Report without MitID

Read more here:
How do you report?

What is your data used for?

This is where small businesses in the private urban sector report their activities. Your data is necessary to shed light on the activities of small businesses and their challenges. We use the results to analyse small businesses' work with research, development and innovation. The data is also used by other authorities, industry organisations and researchers.

More about this survey:

When is the deadline for reporting?

The deadline for reporting is 22 April 2025.

Request an extension of the deadline.

What data do you need to report? (Overview of the questions/draft)

You can download an overview of all the questions in the survey - as a draft or in preparation of your report.

Questionnaire: Small Business Activities (PDF - draft).

Typical time spent per report is approximately 10 minutes.

Read more about time spent on reporting.

How do you report? (Guides, etc.)

Report online with MitID Erhverv. Owners of sole-proprietorship can also report with their private MitID.

Click on START REPORTING at the top of this page and report using MitID Erhverv.

  • When logged in, you can report to multiple statistics and for multiple periods.
  • If the reporting process is interrupted, you can save a draft.
  • You can reopen and correct submitted reports using MitID Erhverv.

Report using the direct link

Click on REPORT WITHOUT MITID at the top of this page and go directly to the report without logging in with MitID.

  • The direct link opens the form for the current period.
  • Enter the company’s CVR and journal no. found in the reporting request.
  • You can also start your report via the direct link in the reporting request.
  • Please note: If you choose to report without MitID, you should fill in and submit data in one go. Your data will not be saved if you exit before submitting the report. It is also not possible to reopen or correct your report after submission. Additionally, you can only report for the current period, and not for any previous periods, you may be missing.
Who has to report – and why?

Reporting is mandatory by law

Due to EU legislation, Denmark is required to produce a range of business statistics.

Act on Statistics Denmark, Section 8-12a obliges companies to report data for statistical use.

The number of companies required to report

Approximately 1,650 companies are required to report every year.

How are the companies selected?

We take a random sample of companies with 1-9 employees in the private urban sector.

Read more about data collection from companies (in Danish).

How long does it typically take to report?

Typical time spent per report is approximately 10 minutes.

Companies can voluntarily report the time spent completing the survey online. Companies typically spend approximately 10 minutes on this survey – including access, data retrieval, data entry and necessary support. Based on the typical time spent per report, the total time spent by companies is estimated to be 257 hours per year.

Do you need help?

Our support team can respond to you via email or give you a call.

Support request form.

Extension of the deadline?

You can request an extension of the deadline via our support request form:

Request an extension of the deadline.

Latest news from the statistics (in Danish)

Flere virksomheder anvender kunstig intelligens

12. marts 2025

Flere virksomheder anvender kunstig intelligens

Antallet af virksomheder, der anvender kunstig intelligens, er næsten fordoblet mellem 2023 og 2024. I virksomheder med mere end ti ansatte er brugen af kunstig intelligens steget fra 15 pct. i 2023 til 28 pct. i 2024.

Tabeller i Statistikbanken om 'It i virksomheder'

Subject page: ICT usage in enterprises.

Documentation of statistics: Activities in small enterprises.