Contact info
External Economy, Economic StatisticsMaria José Alvarez Pelaez
+45 30 66 03 21
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The publication of the balance of payments, particularly the monthly statement, often attracts significant public interest. The statistics are especially used by ministries, politicians, and economic stakeholders. The balance of payments is also used in the compilation of national accounts.
User Needs
The balance of payments statistics traditionally serve as one of the most important background information in the planning of the country's economic policy. Important users are therefore the departments of the Ministry of Finance. The statistics are also used in the compilation of national accounts. The statistics constitute Denmark's contribution to the compilation of the EU's balance of payments. Particularly, the balance of payments' statement of trade in goods and services is interesting for the business cycle development, as the statistics on International Trade in Goods and International Trade in Services cannot be directly combined since they do not use the same methodological basis (border-crossing versus ownership change).
User Satisfaction
Users are continuously consulted and in connection with the User Committee for Economic Statistics. There has been a desire for higher geographical detail in the monthly publications of the balance of payments.
Data completeness rate
The publication of data in the Danish balance of payments is largely compatible with the EU requirements on data reporting (reporting to Eurostat). In some cases, more details are displayed, and in other cases, where the statistical uncertainty is considered too high for independent publication, aggregation is performed.