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Torben Lundsvig
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Benefits during sickness or in connection with childbirth (Discontinued)

Data comes from the two administrative registers The Administrative Joint-municipal Register for Sickness Benefits and the National Administrative Register for Childbirth Benefits (ended May 2017). When received there are some mechanical monitoring and doublets are removed. When estimating the duration of a case not having a finale date the final date is set to the last day of the year if the case is about sickness benefits. If the case is about childbirth benefits the final date is estimated as the starting date plus the average length measured in days of similar cases having a finale date.

Source data

Data comes from the two administrative registers mentioned below:

  • Sickness benefits: The Administrative Joint-municipal Register for Sickness Benefits of the Data Centre KMD.
  • Parental leave benefits: The National Administrative Register for Childbirth Benefits of the Data Centre KMD until May 2017.

The published data of benefits is combined with data from the following registers:

  • The register-based labour force statistics (RAS), Statistics Denmark.
  • The register of employees (BFL), Statistics Denmark.

Frequency of data collection

Data is collected quarterly. In addition the month of January and the first two weeks of February are collected with the purpose to include delayed reports from the previous year. The statistics are published yearly but the quarterly data is used by other statistics.

Data collection

Electronic transfer of administrative data.

Data validation

Data inspection

  • Data is checked for anomalous volume.
  • It is checked, that all municipalities are represented.


Reports are deleted in occurrences of:

  • Invalid civil registration number or contains other errors like. that it is the child's civil registration number number instead of their parents.
  • Authorities have used the child's civil registration number instead of the parents civil registration number.
  • Invalid code for the case or the closure
  • Missing starting and ending dates.

Reports are audited when:

  • There is a contradiction between the length of the period of time and the legality.
  • There is a contradiction between the legality and the order of two or more cases.
  • A date is missing and this date can be estimated.
  • The civil registration number of a child is missing and can be found from the civil registration numbers of the parents as a key.

Data compilation

Some reports relate to absence which has taken place in another calendar year than the year of payment. In such cases the days are counted under the natural calendar year, and the money in the year of reporting.


Cases are audited when:

  • There is a contradiction between the length of the case and the legality.
  • There is a contradiction between the legality and the order of two or more cases.
  • A date is missing and this date can be estimated.
  • The civil registration number of a child is missing and can be found from the civil registration numbers of the parents as a key.