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Births (Discontinued)

The statistics contains information about live births and stillbirths by sex and age, ancestry and municipality of the mother. Furthermore the children have information about the birth weight and birth length and whether they were a part of a multiple birth.

Data description

The statistics contains information about live births and stillbirths by sex and age, ancestry and municipality of the mother. Furthermore the children have information about the birth weight and birth length and whether they were a part of a multiple birth.

The basis for the statistics is data from the Central Population Register (CPR) and data from Statens Serum Institut (SSI).

Classification system

Not relevant for these statistics.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Fertility: Age-specific fertility rate: Annual number of live births to women in a specified age group, per 1,000 women in the age group.

Total fertility rate: Number of children that would be born alive to 1,000 women during the reproductive period of their lives (ages 15 through 49), if all 1,000 women lived to be 50 years old, and if at each age they experienced the given year's age-specific fertility rates.

Live-born: A child born, i.e. a child showing evidence of life (breathing etc.) irrespective of the duration of pregnancy.

Reproduction rate: Gross reproduction rate: Number of daughters that would be born alive to 1,000 women during the reproductive period of their lives (ages 15 through 49), if the 1,000 women lived to be 50 years old, and if at each age they experienced the given year's age-specific fertility rates.

Net reproduction rate: Number of daughters that would be born alive to 1,000 women during the reproductive period of their lives (ages 15 through 49), if the 1,000 women were annually reduced in number from age 0 according to the given year's age-specific mortality levels, and if at each age they experienced the given year's age-specific fertility rates.

Stillborn: A child born, i.e. foetus delivered after the 22nd week of pregnancy, without evidence of life (breathing etc.).

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The number of children being born within a year.

Reference area


Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

01-01-2016 - 31-12-2016

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), section 6.

Cost and burden

Not relevant for these statistics.


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