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The Cultural Habits Survey is carried out and developed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and is the ninth in the series of the cultural habits of Danish residents carried out since 1964. The current survey accommodates a series of user needs, among which are more frequent statistics, the possibility for investigating geographic variation and the surveying of a broader definition of culture. The user needs have been identified through a thorough assessment of the Cultural Habits Survey 2018-2023. The assessment comprised the Ministry of Culture, researchers and users from public institutions.
User Needs
The primary user need is to create more information on the cultural and recreational habits of Danish residents, and thereby facilitate more fact based decision making about cultural topics. There is a need for better information on the cultural habits of Danish residents among subject matter experts, analysts, and especially and generally interested laypeople. Public institutions, researchers and other interested parties may be interested in having access to the results of the survey with a view to discovering current problems within culture and culture politics, that can be used as a basis for culture political and professional considerations.
The statistics can additionally be used by users working within other sectors such as digitalisation, sports, news, education, volunteering etc., as the broad subject matter of the Cultural Habits Survey covers a range of information relevant to these sectors.
The questionnaire contains a flexible part replaced each year. The purpose of this flexible part is to be able to cover a broader range of topics without increasing costs or the burden on respondents, by either adding questions about topics not covered by the fixed part of the questionnaire or by the option to add more detailed questions on select topics. The survey accommodate a wish for more frequent statistics and the possibility of investigating geographic differences within cultural consumption. The need for more in-depth analysis is met through a large sample of 60,000 persons per year.
User Satisfaction
Various measures are taken both before and after the collection of data with ensuring user satisfaction in mind. The development of the questionnaire is carried out in a broad cooperation between Statistics Denmark and the key users of the statistic, among these the Ministry of Culture and subordinate institutions, researchers, municipalities and regions etc.
The preceding version of the Cultural Habits Survey from 2018-2023 underwent a major assessment in advance of the development of the new survey from 2024 on. The assessment comprised the Ministry of Culture, the subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture, researchers and users from different public institutions. Among other things, the users provided feedback on the question subjects, the length of the temporal frame of reference, intercomparability internationally and temporally, presentation of data in StatBank Denmark and on Statistics Denmark's website, as well as access to micro level data for researchers and public institutions.
User satisfaction is further ensured by collecting input from the users. This is done i.a. by systematic storage and review of relevant inquiries, press coverage etc.
The Board for Cultural Statistics comprising representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Statistics Denmark evaluates the quality and ease of use of the statistic on an ongoing basis.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant for these statistics.