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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Morten Steenbjerg Kristensen
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Housing Benefits (monthly

Statistics on housing benefits in Denmark date back to 1967. The statistics are comparable since 1983 in its current format. The statistics are produced according to common European guidelines and are therefore comparable to statistics from other countries published in Eurostat.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics are produced according to common European guidelines and are therefore comparable to statistics from other countries published in Eurostat.

Comparability over time

Figures from 1967 and 1977 are exclusive housing assistance to people in nursing homes. Before 1973, they paid housing benefit amount only recorded as annual figures. In order to make it comparable with the monthly figures are these divided by 12. The statistics are very high, especially on the variables of housing in total, and housing allowances in total. Renters, Owners, Cooperative members: good comparability over time. Anyway back to 1982. Since legislation has changed over the years, it is by significant changes in legislation, that it may be difficult to compare. Since 1982 there have been no actual data breaches. By contrast, there have been changes in terms of the types of housing benefits may occur. Housing benefits to pensioners homes were deleted in 1993, while new forms have come in the form of senior housing (1989) and group homes (1994). In 2003, legislation was amended for new disability pensioners and severely disabled, who were awarded disability pension after retirement reform, which came into force on 1 January 2003. They receive housing benefits according to special rules. In 2004, legislation amendments resulted that for households with persons who have received cash assistance for six consecutive months as a ceiling for the sum of cash benefits and housing benefits.

Coherence - cross domain

Housing benefits are allocated (for non-pensioners and for early retirees who are awarded pensions after 1 January 2003) and housing allowances (for pensioners), but is granted to the household, not the participants. Therefore statistics may be difficult to compare with other statistics, which have persons or families as the unit. Housing benefits register has since 1982 had person linked to the household (applicant, the spouse and other people), making it possible to merge and compare with other statistics. There are no comparable statistics concerning. housing benefits in Denmark, but in BBR ie Buildings and Dwellings, information about all dwellings in Denmark, which can be identified by a dwelling address (but not by the person of those who live there). It is possible - for a fee - to link data statistics of housing benefits and BBR using the home address, but only for the month of December. Or linking with housing census, which contains social security numbers. The statistics on housing also includes the number of recipients (households) of housing benefit in older homes. The statistics "Social Resource Count" contains figures on the total number of homes for the elderly in Denmark, but the term "senior housing" covers different content in different statistics. The reason is that the term "senior housing" is perceived differently and legislation defines the concept elderly dwelling differently in different contexts.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.