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External Economy, Economic StatisticsStefan Gottschalck Anbro
+45 51 60 58 46
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These statistics are published monthly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under International trade in goods. For further information, go to the subject page.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
These statistics are published quarterly in a Danish press release.
These statistics feature in the Statistical Yearbook.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under International trade in goods in the following tables:
Total external trade
- UHV1: Total external trade by imports and exports, seasonal adjustment, kind and time
- UHV2: Total external trade by imports and exports, seasonal adjustment, country and time
- UHV3: Total external trade by imports and exports, kind, country and time
- UHV4: Total external trade by imports and exports, main SITC groups, country and time
- UHV5: Total external trade by imports and exports, SHORT-TERM, country and time
- UHV6: Total external trade by imports and exports, BEC, country and time
- UHV7: Total external trade by imports and exports, main SITC groups, country and time
Detailed external trade
- KN8MEST: Imports and exports CN by imports and exports, commodities, country, unit, Data source and time
- KN8Y: Imports and exports CN by imports and exports, commodities, country, unit and time
Imports and exports (SITC)
- SITC2R4M: Value of imports and exports by main SITC groups, country, imports and exports and time
- SITC2R4Y: Value of imports and exports by main SITC groups, country, imports and exports and time
- SITC5R4M: Imports and exports by imports and exports, main SITC groups, country, unit and time
- SITC5R4Y: Imports and exports by imports and exports, main SITC groups, country, unit and time
Danish version of the BEC classification
- BEC2M: Value of imports and exports by BEC, country, imports and exports and time
- BEC2Y: Value of imports and exports by BEC, country, imports and exports and time
Short term trade statistics
- KONJ2M: Value of exports by SHORT-TERM, country, imports and exports and time
- KONJ2Y: Value of exports by SHORT-TERM, country, imports and exports and time
- UHIXM: Index on external trade in goods (2015=100) by imports and exports and index type
- UHIXY: Index on external trade in goods (2015=100) by imports and exports and index type
- SITCIXM: Index on external trade in goods (2015=100) by imports and exports, index type and main SITC groups
- SITCIXY: Index on imports and export (2015=100) by imports and exports, index type and main SITC groups
Micro-data access
In addition to the statistical primary data described above , the primary data contain a range of identifiers (e.g. VAT registration number (so-called SE-no.) and a distribution by type of transaction (ordinary purchases/sales, processing, etc.).
The identifiers make it possible to match the External Trade in Goods Statistics with other business statistics.
Trade by enterprise characteristics is figures based on a match of data in the External Trade Statistics and Business sector statistics.
It is possible to get access to anonymised Micro-data through Statistics Denmark’s research scheme. Furthermore, Statistics Denmark’s Customer Centre can carry out special data extractions.
Statistics Denmark’s Customer Centre can provide users with tailor made data extractions and special data subscriptions.
Confidentiality - policy
Data Confidentiality Policy for Statistics Denmark is applied.
Confidentiality - data treatment
The compilation of the External Trade in Goods Statistics follows the Data Privacy Policy of Statistics Denmark. Trade in certain commodity/partner country combinations made confidential are not disclosed in the statistics, if necessary by applying secondary confidentiality. The secondary confidentiality ensures that the primary confidentiality data are not disclosed at 2-digit CN chapters and 2-digit SITC- level.
At the end of 2013, 39 CN headings in imports and 101 CN headings in exports were subject to confidentiality procedures at 8-digit CN level. A total of 134 CN-headings were subject to confidentiality. The confidential data are included in the external trade data at a more aggregated level. Trade subject to confidentiality amounted to 1.4 per cent in total Danish imports and 9.2 per cent in total Danish exports in 2013.
Documentation on methodology
Methodological documentation is only available in Danish.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.