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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Morten Skovrider Kollerup
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Manufacturers’ Sales of Goods (quarterly)

The statistics are in high demand from many different users, including the National Accounts, ministries, trade associations, market analysts, researchers, consultants and businesses.

User Needs

There are many users of the statistics on manufacturers' sales (Prodcom):

  • National accounts make use of industrial commodity statistics, for the quarterly as well as the annual national accounts.
  • Trade associations and many others use information on the development of the sales of products from the manufacturing industry.
  • The public authorities need knowledge about, for instance, the sales of commodities potentially harmful to the environment.
  • Researchers and analysts investigate the developments in the industrial structure and the sales of goods, e.g. focussing on 'green products', medico-products etc.
  • International organisations, like EU and UN, need internationally comparable figures on Danish industrial production
  • Sales organisations, enterprises and journalists want to know about the Danish market for specific products. This is not shown directly by the statistics, but apparent consumption may be calculated by combining with data on exports and imports.
  • The statistics are used for an annual control of the industrial classification of all responding units. This control improves the quality of the industrial classification in the Statistical Business Register, used also by all other business statistics.

User Satisfaction

Important large users of the statistics participate in bi-annual meetings of the Contact Group for Manufacturing Statistics (link in Danish only).

Data completeness rate

All codes for goods of the Prodcom-regulation are covered and collected according to the Combined Nomenclature. From 2021 the Prodcom-service codes are also covered in the collection of data, due to new EU-regulation.