Overdue Tax (Discontinued)
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The purpose of Overdue tax is to analyze long-term and short-term trends in the yearly overdue tax. The present statistics were compiled for the first time in 1995.
Statistical presentation
The statistics provide a yearly overview of the various and total overdue taxes.
Both the total and the individual overdue taxes are of social interest as they influence the government cash flow.
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Statistical processing
No statistical processing is done.
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The statistics provide a yearly overview of the various and total overdue taxes owed by the households and businesses.
Accuracy and reliability
There are no sources of statistical uncertainty of importance.
The statistical uncertainty is not calculated.
Read more about accuracy and reliability
Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are usually published on the scheduled date without delays.
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As the figures on total overdue tax are easily affected by the established practice of the Danish tax authorities, and these practices vary over time and place, comparability over time can be problematic.
One should also be aware that new taxes are often added and old taxes are abandoned. This may further affect the comparability over time.