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Prices and Consumption, Economic StatisticsNicklas Milton Elversøe
+45 61 15 35 98
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The statistics are published monthly by Statistics Denmark via press release "Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik" (in Danish only) and specifically regard Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities.
In the StatBank, the statistics are published under the topic Producer and import price index for commodities.
For more information visit the subject page.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The statistics are published monthly by Statistics Denmark via press release "Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik" and specifically Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities.
These statistics was until 2024 featured in the Statistical Yearbook until 2017. Internationally, the statistics also feature in the Eurostat publication European Price Statistics - An Overview (2008).
On-line database
These statistics are published in the Statbank under Producer and import price index for commodities in the following tables:
Producer price index for commodities
- PRIS4221: Producer price index for commodities (2015=100) by industry standard industrial groupings and unit
Price index for domestic supply
- PRIS1121: Price index for Domestic Supply (2015=100) by commodity group and unit
- PRIS4621: Import price index for commodities (2015=100) by Industry (groups) and unit
Producer and import price index for commodities
- PRIS4321: Producer and import price index for commodities (2015=100) by Industry (groups), market and unit
Micro-data access
Researchers and other analytics from authorized research institutes, may apply for access to micro-data through the Division of Research service (Danmarks Statistiks forskerordning) via. the researcher scheme. In addition, micro-data are available for departments, agencies and directorates through the ministry scheme.
Available price statistics information and micro-data; - electronic reports that date back to 2010 - micro-data in the form of elementary aggregates date back to 1993 for producer and import price indices for commoditites.
The statistic is available in Eurostat's database.
Confidentiality - policy
This statistic follows Statistics Denmark's Data Confidentiality Policy (Datafotrolighedspolitik).
Confidentiality - data treatment
The statistics are published at a level of detail that ensures individual companies cannot be identified unless the information is otherwise publicly available. All companies participating in the study receive information on terms and conditions regarding the confidentiality of individual answers. As per the Data Confidentiality Policy (Datafortrolighedspolitik) there are two rules that this statistic follows for publication: - There must be a minimum of 3 reporting companies. - The two largest companies can at most represent 85 per cent of turnover.
If these rules cannot be met the impacted table cell(s) are considered confidential and are not published.
Documentation on methodology
These statistics follows the principle as stipulated in the Eurostat Handbook on industrial producer price indices (PPI) from 2012. In addition, guidance is taken from the IMF manual on PPI's, Producer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice from 2004.
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.