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Recipients of subsidy for private day-care

The statistics illustrates the number of children and the number of families receiving subsidies for private day-care or for care of their own children. These statistics are comparable from 2004 and onwards.

Statistical presentation

The statistics is an annual inventory for the 3. of October of the number of children and the number of families receiving subsidies for private day-care or for care of their own children after the Day Care Act, Dagtilbudsloven (§ 80 and § 86). The statistics are grouped by municipalities.

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Statistical processing

Data is received through electronic reporting from all municipalities. If the information is assessed to be incorrect, Statistics Denmark contacts the municipalities and assures the data through a dialogue with the municipalities.

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The statistics is relevant for ministries, municipalities and professional organizations. They use it as a foundation for analysis and reports etc.

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Accuracy and reliability

The primary uncertainty related to the statistics comes from typing errors made by reporters in the municipalities.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics is published around five months after the reference period. The statistics is published with no delays.

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There is comparable data for the number of children receiving subsidies from 2004 until today. The statistics can be found in the StatBank in tables PAS2 (2004-2006) and PAS22 (2007-2014).

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in the Statbank under Childcare in the table DAGTIL4.

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