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Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
Søren Østerballe
+45 23 42 32 97

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The importance of cultural and creative industries in the national economy

The cultural industry has significant non-market activity, as well as considerable direct and indirect government support and contributions from private foundations. This statistics can capture these aspects and provide more accurate figures for the sector's economic impact, taking these factors into account. The statistics are based on a value chain approach, distinguishing between the arts, culture etc., are produced and practiced, as well as activities surrounding the creative and performed activities, such as wholesale, retail, distribution, etc. The statistics provide insights into the significance of the various components.

User Needs

The statistics regarding the importance of the cultural and creative industries in the national economy can be seen as data particularly suited for assessing the scope of activities in these industries within a national accounting framework, through variables such as production, gross value added (GVA) and employment. The representation of activity in these variables allows users to benchmark these industries against the rest of the economy. The statistics are available to everyone but are likely most relevant to ministries, agencies, trade organizations, consulting firms, and others conducting this type of analysis.

The source of the statistics, in the form of the input-output model, is also embedded as a core component in most macroeconomic and general equilibrium models used for economic planning, etc.

User Satisfaction

These statistics are new, and a working group consisting of The Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Danish Industry, Danish Chamber of Commerce, The Agency for Culture and Palaces and Creative Denmark, together with Statistics Denmark, has contributed to defining the classification of the cultural and creative industries. The process paper regarding the delimitation of the cultural and creative industries can be found from the following [link]((/Site/Dst/SingleFiles/kvaldeklbilag.aspx?filename=aaacc5f8-79d0-4c59-822c-1188a6c4f77c).

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for these statistics.