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Wholesale Trade, by Goods (Discontinued)

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Wholesale Trade, by Goods 2013

The purpose of the analysis is to shed light on the turnover structures of wholesale trade. Surveys have been conducted for the first time in 2009 with reference year 2008 .

Statistical presentation

The statistics provide data on the structure of wholesale trade turnover, industry turnover breakdown by product groups as well as product group wholesales by industries.

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Statistical processing

Data are collected by web from 2,000 enterprises from Wholesales Trade sector. In the questionnaire the enterprises are asked to breakdown their turnover by a number of products, services and client categories. The reported data are checked by comparing the distribution of turnover among enterprises that are similar. Survey data is grossed up in part by including information from administrative sources on the VAT turnover in the reference year for the entire population.

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The results are of interest to those monitoring the current business trends as well as the structural developments within wholesale trade. The statistics is in demand from trade and industry associations, bank and finance sector, politicians, public and private institutions, researchers, enterprises, news media and Eurostat. It is also of great interest to many enterprises within whole trade, as the results may allow them to compare their own business to their sector of trade or the wholesale trade more broadly.

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Accuracy and reliability

The survey is based on a sample and thus some uncertainty is attached to the results. For the whole retail trade sector, however, the uncertainty is considered to be small, since the coverage is extensive and the response rate high. For a few sectors with a relatively higher share of small enterprises, the limit of DKK 2.5 mil. may imply a higher uncertainty due to lower coverage.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics is published once every fem years and approximately 11 months after the reference year. The statistics is published usually without delay regarding to the announced date. To EU the data must be delivered within 18 months after the reference year.

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It can be problems in comparing figures over time. This is because the data are only collected every five years. The survey has been carried out for the reference periods 2008 and 2013.

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Accessibility and clarity

Nyt and STATBANK from Statistics Denmark.

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