Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET)
Register-based indicator for the share of young persons from 16-24 years who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET).
NEET is an acronym for "Not in Employment, Education or Training", and this set of statistics accounts for the number of young persons from 16-24 years who are not in employment or education. The statistical data period is the last week of November, and a person is categorised as not active (NEET), if he or she is not in employment in that week and is not in education either in that same week as well as the preceding three weeks.
The statistics are based on the Labour Market Accounts (LMA) and facilitate the calculation of a NEET indicator based on register data. The statistics have taken inspiration from the NEET indicator, which is defined by Eurostat as well as the OECD, and which is calculated from the interview-based Labour Force Survey (LFS).
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