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Water and wastewater

How much water do we abstract and use in Denmark? Which industries use the most water, and how much wastewater do households discharge? On this page, you will find figures on water abstraction, water consumption and wastewater discharge.

Selected statistics on Water and waste water

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Water and waste water. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Water abstraction

Here you can see how the combined water abstraction from groundwater and surface waters (lakes and streams) has developed over time.

Water abstraction in Denmark, 1,000 m3

Line chart with 3 lines.
Abstraction of water (Physical water accounts)
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying 1,000 m3. Range: 0 to 1200000.
End of interactive chart.
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Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

Water abstraction in municipalities

Here you can see how much water the waterworks abstract in the Danish municipalities. In general, the major urban municipalities outside the Capital Region of Denmark account for the highest abstraction, while the municipalities in the Capital Region account for the lowest. Mark a municipality to see the water abstraction in million m³.
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Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

Water consumption

Here you can see how the water consumption is distributed across households and various industries. The purchased water is from the waterworks. Agriculture accounts for a very high consumption of groundwater, whereas fishing (i.e. fish farms) accounts for a lot of surface water. Both of these industries predominantly abstract their own water.

Water consumption in industries and households, 1,000 m3

Bar chart with 2 data series.
Time: 2023 | Water type:
Consumption of water (Physical water accounts)
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Industry.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying 1,000 m3. Range: 0 to 325000.
End of interactive chart.
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Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

Wastewater discharge

Here you can see how the amount of wastewater has developed over time, and whether the wastewater has been discharged via sewerage to a common wastewater treatment plant, or whether it has been discharged after treatment in a separate local plant to a recipient (i.e. a lake, stream or marine area).

Wastewater discharge, 1,000 m3

Line chart with 3 lines.
Discharge of wastewater (Physical water accounts)
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying 1,000 m3. Range: 200000 to 700000.
End of interactive chart.
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Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

Wastewater discharge in the Danish municipalities

Here you can see how much wastewater is discharged from the public wastewater treatment plants in the Danish municipalities. The major urban municipalities with the highest number of inhabitants have the highest discharge rates. Mark a municipality to see the wastewater discharge in 1,000 m³.
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Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Environmental Multiplier Tables

Dissemination of environmental multipliers is a service for users interested in the interaction between the environment and the economy. The multipliers connect environmental statistics with national accounts statistics at a detailed level and provides a picture of the effects that changes in economic final demand have on selected environmental variables. The environmental multipliers are aggregated measures of the total environmental effect on industries of specific changes in final demand in terms of waste generation, water consumption, generation of waste, CO2 emissions or other impacts.

Water and Waste Water

The statistics concerning water and waste water estimates the abstraction and use of water as well as discharge of waste water distributed on municipalities.

The water account document abstraction of water, use in households and industry groups (as used in the Danish National Accounts) as well as the discharge of waste water via waste water treatment plants to the aquatic environment. The water accounts are based on water and waste water statistics as well as micro-data from the Jupiter database managed by GEUS (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland) and reports on point sources from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

The economic water account document the income in water supply and waste water treatment plants from households and industry groups. The account is based price information from water supply and waste water companies that are member of DANVA, information on individual companies, population, households as well as the physical water account.

Need more data on Water and waste water?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find further details, i.e. on the water consumption and wastewater discharge of industries and on water and wastewater expenditure.


Michael Berg Rasmussen
Phone: +45 51 46 23 15