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Sports economy and employment in sports

Sport's economy and employment give a description of sports as a business sector with economic, employment and financial conditions as well as consumption.


This subject is illustrated by key figures from the major economic sports activities.


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Key figures
Sports activities' key economic figures
Time: 2022  |  Unit: -
Total931100 Operation of sports activities931200 Activities of sport clubs931300 Fitness facilities931900 Other sports activities
Turnover (DKK million)9 0472 2693 7161 3731 689
Export (DKK Million)1 020953210469
Import (DKK Million)3976810170158
Wage and salary costs (DKK Million)7 3672 2563 805800506
Jobs end of November (number)42 29112 54318 8028 1102 836
Number of full-time employees (Full-time equivalents)15 8405 3857 3522 0281 075
Sports-related economic activities are defined by the EU Commission in the so-called Vilnius definition ( Turnover, export and import are based on special data analyses from the General Enterprise Statististics. Export is computed as turnover less domestic sales.# Wage and salary costs, number of jobs at the end of November and full-time employees are from the Employment in Businesses (ERHV1)
In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data on Sports activities' key economic figures (IDROEKO1)

Related content in Sports economy and employment in sports


Søren Østerballe
Phone: +45 23 42 32 97

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