How is book production in Denmark doing? How many books are sold? Statistics on book production present the publication and circulation of books in Denmark across five tables, while statistics on book sales show the number of books sold across three tables.
The book production statistics enumerate the number of books published in Denmark. The statistics are compiled for 2012 onwards by Statistics Denmark on behalf of the Danish Agency for Culture falling under the Ministry of Culture Denmark. Until 2012, similar statistics were compiled by the Danish DBC. In connection with assigning the task to Statistics Denmark, statistics covering the years 2007 to 2012 were compiled in replacement of the statistics compiled by the Danish DBC.
A book appears in the statistics the year in which it is published. In this context, a book is not only taken to mean publications intended for the commercial market, but can also be written materials issued by public institutions, scientific reports, etc. fulfilling the criteria for registration by the Danish DBC.
The book sales statistics highlight the development in the number of books sold in Denmark. The statistics show trends in the number of copies sold through physical bookstores and online sales. This is a new statistic, introduced in 2024, and includes data from the third quarter of 2022 onwards. The data sources and coverage are still under development, and therefore the figures are preliminary, with future revisions possible.
Sales of used books (e.g., from antiquarian bookshops, thrift stores, and flea markets) are not included in the book sales statistics. Currently, the statistics also do not include sales through streaming services. Efforts are ongoing to expand the statistics with data on the streaming of e-books and audiobooks.
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