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Victims of reported criminal offences

How many are victims of a reported criminal offence? Are there differences in the criminal offences that men and women are victims of? Which age bracket has the most victims? The statistics cover victims of reported offences against the person, i.e. crimes where the victim has been in direct contact with the offender.

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A report is made when a criminal offence (crime) is reported to the police or has come to the knowledge of the police in some other way.

The person who has been subjected to a criminal offence and who in many case has reported the offence to the police.

Selected statistics on Victims of reported criminal offences

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Victims of reported criminal offences. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in number of victims of reported criminal offences

Here you can see how the total number of victims has developed over time.
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Source data

Administrative System of the National Police

Victims of reported criminal offences

Here you can see the number of victims broken down by type of offence and age.
More about the figure
Last update
Next update
Source data

Administrative System of the National Police

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Victims of Reported Criminal Offences

The purpose of "Victims of reported criminal offences" is to analyze the number of victims of police reported offences assaulting or causing harm to people. The statistics on victims of reported criminal offences date back to 2001.

Need more data on Victims of reported criminal offences?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find further details on victims of reported criminal offences broken down, for example, by type of offence, age and sex.


Iben Birgitte Pedersen
Phone: +45 23 60 37 11
Jonas Ellemand
Phone: +45 24 90 74 98