Parental leave benefits
How many days of parental leave do fathers and mothers take with parental leave benefits and/or salary? Here, you can find statistics on parental leave broken down by gender and education, as well as information on the total number of leave days parents take before and after the birth of their child.
Selected statistics on Parental leave benefits
Paternity leave with and without salary
The data basis of the statistics is based on an extraction of cases in the period May 2014 to date from the ATP/ Udbetaling Danmark's administrative IT system, UDK-Barsel (Utilised in spring 2017). The UDK-Barsel system is used by Udbetaling Danmark to administer the payment of parental benefits.
The cases from the period May 2014 to May 2017 have been converted from an older administrative system.
In connection with the publication, maternity benefits data are correlated with background information from the following of Statistics Denmark's registers:
- Population register
- Highest completed education
- A-kasseregister (unemployment payout organizations)
- Persons receiving public benefits
- Register-based workforce statistics (RAS)
- Employment for Employees (BFL)
- Extract from the Income Register
Maternity leave with and without salary
The data basis of the statistics is based on an extraction of cases in the period May 2014 to date from the ATP/ Udbetaling Danmark's administrative IT system, UDK-Barsel (Utilised in spring 2017). The UDK-Barsel system is used by Udbetaling Danmark to administer the payment of parental benefits.
The cases from the period May 2014 to May 2017 have been converted from an older administrative system.
In connection with the publication, maternity benefits data are correlated with background information from the following of Statistics Denmark's registers:
- Population register
- Highest completed education
- A-kasseregister (unemployment payout organizations)
- Persons receiving public benefits
- Register-based workforce statistics (RAS)
- Employment for Employees (BFL)
- Extract from the Income Register
Paternity leave broken down by education level
The data basis of the statistics is based on an extraction of cases in the period May 2014 to date from the ATP/ Udbetaling Danmark's administrative IT system, UDK-Barsel (Utilised in spring 2017). The UDK-Barsel system is used by Udbetaling Danmark to administer the payment of parental benefits.
The cases from the period May 2014 to May 2017 have been converted from an older administrative system.
In connection with the publication, maternity benefits data are correlated with background information from the following of Statistics Denmark's registers:
- Population register
- Highest completed education
- A-kasseregister (unemployment payout organizations)
- Persons receiving public benefits
- Register-based workforce statistics (RAS)
- Employment for Employees (BFL)
- Extract from the Income Register
Maternity leave broken down by education level
The data basis of the statistics is based on an extraction of cases in the period May 2014 to date from the ATP/ Udbetaling Danmark's administrative IT system, UDK-Barsel (Utilised in spring 2017). The UDK-Barsel system is used by Udbetaling Danmark to administer the payment of parental benefits.
The cases from the period May 2014 to May 2017 have been converted from an older administrative system.
In connection with the publication, maternity benefits data are correlated with background information from the following of Statistics Denmark's registers:
- Population register
- Highest completed education
- A-kasseregister (unemployment payout organizations)
- Persons receiving public benefits
- Register-based workforce statistics (RAS)
- Employment for Employees (BFL)
- Extract from the Income Register
Leave days with at least one parent
The data basis of the statistics is based on an extraction of cases in the period May 2014 to date from the ATP/ Udbetaling Danmark's administrative IT system, UDK-Barsel (Utilised in spring 2017). The UDK-Barsel system is used by Udbetaling Danmark to administer the payment of parental benefits.
The cases from the period May 2014 to May 2017 have been converted from an older administrative system.
In connection with the publication, maternity benefits data are correlated with background information from the following of Statistics Denmark's registers:
- Population register
- Highest completed education
- A-kasseregister (unemployment payout organizations)
- Persons receiving public benefits
- Register-based workforce statistics (RAS)
- Employment for Employees (BFL)
- Extract from the Income Register
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The statistics Benefits in connection with childbirth shed light on the use of the Maternity Act, including equality between mothers and fathers. The statistics have been compiled since 1995, but in 2017 changed data source. Since 2017, data from ATP / Udbetaling Danmark's IT system for the administration of payment of parental benefits in connection with birth, adoption, child illness etc.