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Passengers and routes


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Key figures


Domestic ferry transport
Ferry route: FERRY ROUTES TOTAL  |  Unit: -
Passengers, 10001 0801 0581 6421 309959851665696
Passengerkilometres, 100031 06631 53643 59935 88128 07426 17422 24224 787
Road vehicles total397 347393 581488 462437 361367 222341 480294 311290 307
The number of bicycles on some routes are very uncertain and use of these figures on individual routes should be done with great care. Statistics Denmark is working on improving the quality of the statistics. Data are preliminary until final annual data are available The category, Caravans is uncertain since other types of trailers can be included.
In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data on Domestic ferry transport (SKIB33)



Related content in Passengers and routes


Peter Ottosen
Phone: +45 30 42 91 91

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