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From education to labour market

How soon do people find work after completing vocational education and training or higher education? How many continue to study after completing an educational programme? The statistics constitute a longitudinal analysis that shows the transition to the labour market after completion of education. 

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Preparatory programme with an emphasis on general education subjects. The overall aim of primary and lower secondary education is to provide students with knowledge that prepares them for further education. The programme consists of 10 years of compulsory schooling from year 0 (pre-school) to year 9 and an optional year 10.

Primary and upper secondary schools can be run publicly as well as privately. There are different types, the most common being Public Basic Schools (Folkeskoler), Private Basic Schools (Frie grundskoler), Boarding Schools (Efterskoler), Special Schools (Specialskoler), Schools for maladjusted children (Dagbehandlingscentre and behandlingshjem), as well as Youth Schools (Ungdomsskoler).

Preparatory programme designed to prepare students with special needs to start vocational or upper secondary education or get a job. The programme is available upon referral from the municipality after primary and lower secondary education and is a flexible programme tailored to the needs of the individual student.

University-qualifying education, i.e. provides access to higher education.

A professional education which gives the student a vocational qualification. A vocational education typically consists of a basic course and a main course, which both varies in content and length. The typical length of a vocational education is 4 years. Examples of vocational educations are bricklayer, carpenter and electrician.

Higher education is based on upper secondary education or vocational education. Higher education covers short, medium, bachelor and long cycle higher education as well as Ph.D. education.

Selected statistics on From education to labour market

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of From education to labour market. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

From education to employment

The figure shows how many people are in employment 3, 9, 15 and 21 months respectively after they have completed their education.
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Source data

The sources of The Exit Register are The Transition Register, the labor market accounts and The Student Register

From education to employment - over time

The figure shows the development over time for the number of people who are in employment three months after they have completed their education.
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Source data

The sources of The Exit Register are The Transition Register, the labor market accounts and The Student Register

Status three months after completion of education

The figure shows the status of people three months after they have completed their education, i.e. how many are in employment, have started a new educational programme, are unemployed, not in the labour force or out of the country.
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Source data

The sources of The Exit Register are The Transition Register, the labor market accounts and The Student Register

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

The Exit Register

The purpose of The Exit Register is to give a fundament for describing transitions from a education group in The Transition Register to further education or the labor marked.

The Student Registre

The Students Register, which was established in the early 1970's, is a longitudinal register that allow you to follow the educational careers of students in the mainline education system. The purpose of The Student Register is to analyze entrance to, enrolment in and graduation from the mainline education system as well as transmissions of student within the system.

Need more data on From education to labour market?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find detailed figures, for example on the distribution of students by educational level, time after leaving school, sex, age and ancestry.


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