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24 results
Date Time Type Title Subsubject Period Confirmed
09‑04‑2025 08:00 News Music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table LABY41: Students activities at music schools per 1,000 capita Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table LIGEKI3A: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM01: Music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM02A: Students activities at music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM02B: Students at music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM03: MGK students at music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM04A: Employees full time work at the music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM04B: Employees at the music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM04C: Employees at the music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
09‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM06: Talent students at music schools Music schools 2023:2024 No
23‑04‑2025 08:00 Table SKOLM05: Music Schools economy Music schools 2023:2024 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 News Music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table LABY41: Students activities at music schools per 1,000 capita Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table LIGEKI3A: Gender equality indicator of pupils in music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM01: Music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM02A: Students activities at music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM02B: Students at music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM03: MGK students at music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM04A: Employees full time work at the music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM04B: Employees at the music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM04C: Employees at the music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM05: Music Schools economy Music schools 2024:2025 No
26‑02‑2026 08:00 Table SKOLM06: Talent students at music schools Music schools 2024:2025 No


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