Volunteers and charity
How many do voluntary work?
Note: Below, we provide links to Statistics Denmark and others who make statistics on the subject. In some instances, the sources reffered to below have content in Danish only or limited content in English.
From 2018 onwards, Statistics Denmark’s Cultural Habits Survey includes questions about voluntary work. The tables are broken down by sex, age and domain in which the voluntary work is performed. See the table KVUARFR4 in StatBank Denmark for annual statistics and the table KVUFRI04, which offers quarterly statistics.
In the annual publication "Kultur" (in Danish) there is a chapter on voluntary work.
In connection with Statistics Denmark’s survey of life quality from 2015, one of the questions is about the frequency of voluntary work. The replies can be broken down by e.g. region, sex, age, income and education in the StatBank Denmark tables dealing with ”Quality of life”.
Statistics Denmark’s survey about participation in voluntary work in 2015 is available in our news series "Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik“ (in Danish).
An article from Statistics Denmark’s journalistic series Bag tallene (in Danish) from 2019 is it examined in which domains the population is doing voluntary work.
The Danish Institute for Voluntary Effort is a national centre for development, competences and knowledge for volunteering in the social welfare sector. Since 2010, it has published a report on volunteering – Frivilligrapporten (in Danish). The latest issue of the report is "Det frivillige sociale engagement i Danmark. Frivilligrapport 2019-2021".
The National Council for Volunteering has surveys and news (in Danish) on voluntary work and organisations.
At the website of the Ministry of Culture Denmark, you will find the survey "Danskernes kulturvaner 2012" (in Danish) on the cultural habits of Danes. Chapter 8.4 is about voluntary work.
VIVE - the Danish Center for Social Science Research has published the report "Frivillighedsundersøgelsen 2024" (in Danish), which looks into the development in the Danes’ voluntary work. VIVE has previously published "Ældres Frivillige Arbejde" (in Danish), which examines volunteering among the elderly in the period 1997-2017.
SFI, now VIVE, published the report "Udviklingen i frivilligt arbejde 2004-2012" (in Danish) mapping volunteering in Denmark 2012 and comparing it with the first survey from 2004.
Each year, Deloitte and the association of fundraising organisations ISOBRO make an analysis (in Danish) of the development in the revenues of Danish fundraising organisations.
[This page was last reviewed in March 2025]