Business accounts statistics
You can report your data here
(Danish)Select the reporting method below:
- Blue button: an online form.
- Green button: upload of an XBRL file with Statistics Denmark's taxonomy.
For more information see: How do you report?
Companies with a staggered financial year need to report for the financial year that has ended between 1st of May 2024 and 30th of April 2025. Read more here: When is the deadline for reporting?
Report via Companies typically spend |
Upload an XBRL file with Read more here: |
NOTE: If you want your accountant to report on your behalf, you must create a business power of attorney.
Read about the agreement here: Create a business power of attorney, if your accountant reports on your behalf.
What is your data used for?
Companies in the non-agricultural private sector report detailed accounting information on profit/loss, balance and this year’s investments etc. This detailed information cannot be retrieved from the Danish Tax Agency or the Danish Business Authority. Your report is therefore necessary to compile the yearly Business accounts statistcs, that illustrate the economic situation and the development in the business sector.
These statistics are used as a basis for economic analyses in Denmark and the EU. They help to ensure that the business policy initiatives, regulations, support schemes etc. can be decided and evaluated based on a factual basis. Business accounts statistics are also used for the Danish National Accounts.
More about this survey:
Group 0 | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 5 | |
End of financial year: | 1 May to 30 Sept., 2024 |
1 Oct. to 31 Dec., 2024 |
31 Dec., 2024 | 1 Jan. to 30 April, 2025 |
31 Dec., 2024 |
Reporting deadline: | 1 April, 2025 | 1 July, 2025 | 1 July, 2025 | 3 Nov., 2025 | 1 July, 2025 |
Request an extension of the deadline for: Group 0, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 5.
It is important that your report always contains:
- Items 1 to 19 from the profit and loss statement, such as revenue, purchases of goods (materials), rent paid, cost of subcontractors and operational leasing. This information can be found in the specifications to either the internal annual financial report or the annual tax report.
- Balance sheet items, which can be found in the annual financial report.
- Investments for the year, which can be found in either your annual financial report, the internal annual financial report or the annual tax report. You can find instructions on where to find and how to calculate your investment disposals, in the online form.
- If the company is a parent company, you should only report data for the parent company - not consolidated financial data and not for the whole group.
- Companies with a staggered financial year need to report for the financial year that has ended between 1 May 2024 and 30 April 2025. Read more here: When is the deadline for reporting?
Overview of the questions in the survey
You can download an overview of all the questions in the survey below - as a draft or in preparation of your report.
Please note, that some items in the online form can be pre-filled with relevant information from the annual financial report, previsouly submitted to the Danish Business Authority. From 2025 and on, the items that can be pre-filled, will be marked in the draft.
See all of the questions: Business accounts statistics (PDF - draft)
Typical time spent per report is approximately 1 hour
Which reporting solutions can you use?
- An online form.
- Upload of an XBRL file (Statistics Denmark's taxonomy).
See all of the questions: Business accounts statistics (PDF - draft)
Note: Companies with 20 or more employees (full time equivalents) are no longer allowed to report using upload.
This year, companies with less than 20 employees (full time equivalents) can, as an exception, report by uploading their internal annual financial report with specifications or the annual tax report.
NB: Starting next year, reporting will only be accepted by using the online form or by uploading an XBRL file using Statistics Denmark's taxonomy.
Reporting via an online form
Some items in the online form may be pre-filled with relevant information from the annual financial report previously submitted to the Danish Business Authority. More information on pre-fill: Is data from the annual financial report submitted to the Danish Business Authority reused?
Reporting via upload of an XBRL file (Statistics Denmark's taxonomy)
All companies can report to Business accounts statistics by using the XBRL format. It is important to use Statistics Denmarks taxonomy, which contains more data, than the annual financial report submitted to the Danish Business Authority. For more information, please contact your accountant or your software provider.
XBRL template and guide - English/Danish - (Excel)
Business powers of attorney
If you want your accountant to report on your behalf, you must create a business power of attorney. Read about the agreement here:
Create a business power of attorney, if your accountant reports on your behalf
Information security and data confidentiality
Reporting is mandatory by law.
Due to EU legislation, Denmark is required to produce a range of business statistics.
Act on Statistics Denmark, Section 8-12a obliges companies to report data for statistical use.
The number of companies required to report
Approximately 9,000 companies are required to report every year.
How are the companies selected?
These statistics include companies in the non-agricultural private sector. The statistics do not include agriculture, fishing, financial institutions, insurance, social housing, public administration etc.
Larger companies: Every year, approximately 5,000 companies with 50 or more employees (full-time equivalents) - and companies with an annual revenue (incl. VAT) of DKK 200 million or higher - are required to report. These companies are always a part of the sample.
Smaller companies: Each year, approximately 4,000 companies with 0-49 employees (full-time equivalents) are required to report. These companies are selected in a representative sample and usually report for a minimum of two years, whereafter there may be a break from reporting, based on the company's industry and size.
Typical time spent per report is approximately 1 hour
Companies can voluntarily state the time spent completing the online form. Companies typically spend approximately 1 hour on this survey – including access, data retrieval, data entry and necessary support. Based on the typical time spent per report, the total time spent by companies is estimated to be 8,325 hours per year.
Latest news from the statistics (in Danish)
Regnskabsstatistik for private byerhverv 2022
14. juni 2024
Tabeller i Statistikbanken om 'Virksomheders økonomi og regnskaber'
Subject page: Enterprise finance and accounts.
Documentation of statistics: Business Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector.
Documentation of statistics: Business Accounts Statistics by Industry.
Documentation of statistics: SME Access to Finance.