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Corporate Taxation

The purpose of the statistics Corporate taxation is to shed light on trends in companies' taxable income and tax payments. The statistics cover the period from from 1996 and is published yearly in March. The statistics were first published in 1922 and the method used for calculating the corporate tax has not changed since the first publication.

Statistical presentation

The statistics are an annual account of the taxable income and tax for all companies. The statistics provide information about how many companies that actually pay corporate tax in Denmark. The statistics are shown by type of company and type of industry. The tax is divided by industry and type.

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Statistical processing

Data is received annually from the Danish Tax Agency. The companies’ information is combined and checked for consistency between a tax declaration part, an assessed part, a joint taxation part, and a deficit part. The validation takes place by comparing the level of the total corporate taxes in relation to the previous year, where both business tendencies and possible tax rate changes are taken into account.

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The statistics are part of the general economic debate. The statistics are in demand from ministries, politicians, public and private institutions, researchers, enterprises and news media. The statistics often gets a lot of attention in the media and among other professional users.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics cover all taxable companies. The data are subject to error detection and results control before publication. Error are corrected in collaboration with the Danish Tax Agency. In general, companies have great incentive to report on time, as they otherwise have to pay a tax supplement. The tax can unpredictably either increase or decline, which is impossible to correct for. The unpredictable changes occurs among other things because of errors in either taxable income or a long review time and process. The corrections are allocated to the relevant year.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics are published in March year two after the income year. The finalised corporate taxes are published in March year three after the income year. The statistics are usually published without delay in respect to the scheduled time.

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The statistics were published for the first time in 1922 and the method for computing the tax has not changed – only the tax rate has changed. The taxation systems vary widely across countries, both in terms of conceptual and computational differences which makes the comparison difficult. The statistics are used when computing the overall surplus (Net lending / net borrowing) in government finance statistics.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published annually in a Danish press release. In the StatBank the figures are published under Corporation taxation

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