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Government Finances, Economic Statistics
Ida Balle Rohde
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Corporate Taxation

Data is received annually from the Danish Tax Agency. The companies’ information is combined and checked for consistency between a tax declaration part, an assessed part, a joint taxation part, and a deficit part. The validation takes place by comparing the level of the total corporate taxes in relation to the previous year, where both business tendencies and possible tax rate changes are taken into account.

Source data

Data are compiled from the register of Digital Corporate Tax Reporting (DIAS) of The Danish Tax Agency. DIAS consists of four sub-elements (a tax declaration part, an assessed part, a joint taxation part, and a deficit part) and registers all corporations and their tax base. DIAS updates the data on a continuing basis with the recording of new companies, dissolved companies, and changes to already finalised assessments. Some tax cases are not concluded until several years after the end of the income year. The Danish tax authorities will thus continually receive corrections to data.

A yearly delivery from the statistical Business Register is used for the division of income and assessed taxes based on industry and type/owner code.

Frequency of data collection

Data is collected annually. Both DIAS and the statistical Business Register are updated frequently.

Data collection

Statistics Denmark receives data from the company tax system DIAS once a year in early December for the last five years. DIAS contains information regarding the annual income-tax return for the taxable income for all companies and foundations and thereby computation of the total corporation tax can be conducted.

Data validation

Statistics Denmark validates the new level of corporation taxes by comparing it to the level of the previous year every time a new year is compiled. The comparison takes both business tendencies and possible tax rate changes into account. The data is also check against the open tax lists ("åbne skattelister") from the Danish Tax Agency that are published in February. Data from the previous year are also validated since new data from DIAS is incorporated. The validation is performed in a similar manner – here the new level is compared with the levels of the previous publication, where again both business tendencies and possible tax rate changes are taken into account.

Data compilation

DIAS’ information is used to compute the total corporate tax including all tax credits, tax reliefs and tax supplements for all companies who are liable to taxation. DIAS consists of four elements (a tax declaration part, an assessed part, a joint taxation part, and a deficit part). These are combined, and data are checked for consistency between the four elements. Error or defects are corrected in collaboration with the Danish Tax Agency.

Data from DIAS are combined with information on the industry and owner code from the Business Register based on the industry of the parent or management company and not of the kind of activity, which Statistics Denmark normally uses.


No adjustment of data in addition to what are described under Data Validation and Data Compilation.