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Statistical presentation

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Family benefits and child supplements

The statistics describe the number of people receiving child and youth benefit and child supplements and the benefit amount. Since 2017, the statistics are based on the paid amounts each quarter as opposed for the granted amount for a set period. The statistics are published in the Statbank. The statistics are aggregated i regards to benefit type and geographical area.

Data description

The payment of the child benefit and youth benefit has been shared between parents who live together since 2022, and it has also become possible for parents who do not live together to share the benefit between them.

Parents and caretakers of children under 18 years in Denmark are entitled to a tax-free benefit called Child and Youth Benefit. Since 2014, the benefit has been income-dependent and is reduced by 2 per cent. of the portion of income exceeding DKK 800,100 (top tax base in 2020) for each parent or caretaker. The child and youth benefit is differentiated according to the child's age.

In addition to the child and youth benefit, various child supplements exist. Child supplements is awarded to single parents, children of pensioners, children where the father has no obligation to contribute, children of widowed parents, children who have lost a parent, parents of children born simultaneously (twins etc.), and parents who are studying. Finally, a temporarily child subsidy (MBT) was introduced mid-2019 for families on reduced cash benefit. This was paid out for the first time in January of 2020. MBT was last paid out in the beginning of 2023.

Most family benefits and child supplements are paid quarterly - however youth benefit and MBT is paid out monthly, these are aggregated for the relevant quarter in these statistics.

The statistics on family benefits and child supplements are published annually and contain numbers for each quarter of the previous year.

Classification system

Data is aggregated on municipalities, gender of the recipient and the number of children that the recipient are getting benefits or supplements for as well as on family types and number of children in the family. Additional groupings can be made using research data and custom made tables can be ordered from DST-consulting.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Child benefit: A benefit paid to families with children under 15 years of age.

Youth benefit: A benefit paid to families with children between 15-17 years of age.

Ordinary child supplement: A child supplement for single caretaker, paid per child.

Extra child supplement: A supplement for single caretakers. The amount is independent of the number of children.

Special child supplement: A special supplement paid if the father is unknown, at least one parent is retired, or the child has lost one parent.

Temporarily child supplement: A supplement paid if the family receives reduced cash benefit.

Statistical unit

Receipients, children, paid amounts and families.

Statistical population

All persons receiving family benefits and/or child supplements.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics covers back to 2017Q1 in its current format. The statbank contains data dating back to 1982.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Children and families are measured in numbers and average payouts in DKK.

Reference period

01-01-2021 - 31-12-2021.

Frequency of dissemination

Yearly (the 4 quarters of the previous year are published simultaneously).

Legal acts and other agreements

The Law of Statistics Denmark §6, jf. Consolidated Act nr. 599 of 22nd June 2000. The Statistics are used as part of EU-SILC (Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003).

Cost and burden

The statistics is based on the register of family benefits and child supplements in "ATP /Udbetaling Danmark". The IT-provider is NetCompany. The system is now up and running and in its current form the operational costs are assumed to be fairly small.


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For additional information contact Statistics Denmark.