Statistical processing
Contact info
Labour Market, Social StatisticsMorten Steenbjerg Kristensen
+45 20 40 38 73
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The statistics is collected directly from the IT systems paying out the family benefits and child supplements at ATP via NetCompany. Data is validated by checking for duplicate amongst others. Data are aggregated by benefit or allowance type and geographical area.
Source data
Data on family benefits and child supplements for payment stems from ATP / Udbetaling Danmark
Frequency of data collection
Statistics Denmark receives data quarterly and publish annually.
Data collection
Data is transferred from ATP via Netcompany.
Data validation
Data validation is part of the data processing. To validate the data, it is ensured that paid family benefits and child supplements are within the applicable rates or that they can be explained by re-adjustments due to errors in previous payments. During the data processing, continuous counts are formed, which are compared with similar counts for the previous year. In case of systematic errors, new data is supplied.
Data compilation
Duplicates and observations with invalid codes and/or numbers are rare. Duplicates and defective observations are excluded from data. In case of systematic errors, new data is supplied. the statistics are based on the date of payout as opposed to the period the amount is granted for.
There are not made any corrections, except what is already described under data validation and data processing.