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Population and Education
Jens Bjerre
+45 29 16 99 21

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Lunch schemes in daycare institutions (Discontinued)

The survey can be used for comparison across lunch-schemes in municipalities. It can further be used by parents to assess who is arranging lunch-schemes in the municipality where their children goes to day-care institution. These statistics are compiled on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Children and Social Affairs and Statistics Denmark.

User Needs

This study is primarily used for cross-municipal comparison of daycare institutions in the Ministry for Children and Social Affairs.

User Satisfaction

The survey has been made through a contract by the Danish Ministry for Children and Social Affairs and Statistics Denmark. A regular contact has been upheld during the process between the Danish Ministry for Children and the Danish Ministry for Social Affairs and Statistics Denmark. Furthermore, stakeholder meeting has been arranged, where Statistics Denmark has put forward the status of the survey and have received professional advice to gathering and handling data.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for this survey