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Lunch schemes in daycare institutions (Discontinued)

Information on lunch schemes have been collected through a combination of interviews including web surveys, telephone interviews and direct interviews with municipalities and institutions. Validation primarily consist of re-contact with the municipalities and institutions in question.

Source data

Information on lunch schemes are gathered through interviews with municipalities and daycare institutions in Denmark. Information on lunch schemes have been collected through a combination of interviews including web surveys, telephone interviews and direct interviews with municipalities and institutions. The survey is a count of lunch-schemes.

Frequency of data collection

So far, data have only been collected in 2018.

Data collection

All 98 Danish municipalities have received a letter from Statistics Denmark including information from the Danish Ministry for Children and Social Affairs describing the study. The visiting interviewers have subsequently sought out the municipalities to collect answers from the communal and private day care facilities. Where possible, the municipalities have answered the questionnaire on behalf of the day care facilities.

The private day care facilities have received a letter by digital mail (digital post) from Statistics Denmark with information regarding the study and an invitation to participate through an online questionnaire. Subsequently, a letter by traditional post has been sent containing a note describing the study from the Danish Ministry for Children and Social Affairs.

In cases where municipalities where not able to answer on behalf of communal and independent day care facilities, such institutions has been contacted through phone. The same procedure was used to collect answers from private day care facilities.

Data validation

Problems have been observed with employees in day-care institutions, which did not know what the type of day-care institutions were. To compensate for this error, the interviewers has tried to contact a leader within the day-care institution.

After retrieving data, a general quality control of data is performed and in case the data did not meet the quality standards, the suppliers of data were immediately contacted.

Data compilation

Statistics Denmark has received information on lunch schemes for day-care facilities. In the following data process by Statistics Denmark day-care facilities 0-5 years has been divided into age group 0-2 years and 3-5 years. As day-care facilities 0-5 years have been asked directly about these age groups it is not expected to impact the measurement validity of the survey.


No corrections are made beyond what is described in the data process.