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Nights spent on camp sites

These statistics describe the capacity and occupancy at Danish campsites. The statistics are used by i.e. EU, tourism organizations and municipalities in order to analyze the development in camping tourism. The survey has been compiled since 1971, but in its current form comparable from 1992 and onwards.

Statistical presentation

These statistics are a monthly summary of occupancy and capacity in Danish campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units. The statistics are broken down by nationality of the guests, permanent leased pitches and geography by NUTS 2 level. Furthermore there is a annual summary of occupancy and capacity in Danish campsites with 10-74 camping units.

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Statistical processing

Data for the statistics are collected monthly from Danish campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units and yearly from Danish campsites with 10-74 camping units using an online questionnaire on, or by using a system-to-system solution where the campsites booking system automatically sends data to Statistics Denmark. Collected data are validated on micro-level during the data collection and again on macro-level when aggregated. The validated data are then imputed with missing values and afterwards aggregated into geographical and nationality totals.

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The statistics are for example relevant for accommodation businesses, Eurostat, ministries and business and tourism organizations for forecasts, analysis and planning.

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Accuracy and reliability

The monthly statistic only covers campsites with at least 75 camping units. The annual statistics also cover campsites with 10-74 camping units. A possible source of error can be that the respondents have difficulties distinguishing between the concepts of nights spent and arrivals. Another possible source of error may be the fact that the reported data is in many cases based on estimations by the respondents. Missing answers are imputed which may lead to revisions of published data.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The monthly statistics for campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units are published approx. 40 days after the end of the reference period. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar. The annual statistics for the final data and for campsites with 10-74 camping units are published approx. 100 days after the end of the reference year.

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Statistics Denmark includes nights from permanent leased pitches, which can cause an overestimation compared to other European camping statistics which do not include data from nights spent on permanent leased pitches. The statistical organisation of EU "Eurostat" does not include nights spent on permanent leased pitches when they publish data from countries in EU. From 2013, the number of nights on permanent leased pitches is based on factors of average lead times on camp sites. This change may result in a lack of comparability, but it is not expected to be significant. The number of nationalities has expanded from 13 to 51 nationality groups. This can lead to a lack of consistency when comparing data over time.

Read more about comparability

Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in News from Statistics Denmark. Data are published in statbank at Camping sites and All types of overnight accommodation and in an annual publication with all types of overnight accommodation. For more information about the statistics look at subject page. (

Statistics on a municipality level or for a province can be found at VisitDenmark. If you wish to combine statistics of tourism with other types of variables or combine variables in a different way please contact DST Consulting.

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