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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Karina Moric Ingemann
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Nights spent on camp sites

These statistics are a monthly summary of occupancy and capacity in Danish campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units. The statistics are broken down by nationality of the guests, permanent leased pitches and geography by NUTS 2 level. Furthermore there is a annual summary of occupancy and capacity in Danish campsites with 10-74 camping units.

Data description

These statistics have monthly information on occupancy and capacity at Danish campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units. The most important variables are the number of nights broken down by nationality and geographical area, the number of permanent leased pitches, the number of arrivals and the number of camping units.

The number of nights spent at campsites illustrates something about the occupancy in the Danish campsites, including how many guests who stayed overnight and how many days in a given geographical area. The statistics furthermore tells us the nationality of the visitors.

The number of nights include short-term staying and overnights spent at permanent leased pitches. Number of nights are published every month in the table CAMP1. The same information for campsites with 10-74 camping units is published on a yearly basis in the table TURIST4.

The number of camping units illustrates the development of the capacity including how many available units there are and whether there is less or more units compared with last month or last year. The range of campsites, camping units and the use of the capacity is published every month in the table CAMP2.

The capacity and the use of the capacity is also published on a yearly basis in the table CAMP3. Not every campsite is open the whole year. In the table CAMP3 you can find data regarding how many campsites at the maximum and minimum has been available during the year and the maximum and minimum of camping units during the year.

Classification system

The tables in statbank are divided into different classifications and groupings. The standardized NUTS classification is used regarding breakdowns into geographical areas. The tables contain the groupings: period, geographical area, nationality, capacity, type of overnight stay and guests.

Sector coverage

The statistics belongs to sector code 55.30 in the Danish sector nomenklatur DB07 and in the international NACE, rev. 2-classification. A description of the sectors is to be found in Dansk Breachekode 2007. Some campsites may belong to another sector if the campsite is a secondary business.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Night spent: The number of guests multiplied with the duration of the stay, i.e. 2 guests stay at a camping site for 5 days which equals 10 nights spent. Arrivals is the number of guests regardless of the duration of the stay, i.e. 2 guests stay at a camping site for 5 days which equals 2 arrivals. A camping unit rented on a more permanent basis is a unit that is rented to the same guest for most of the season in a given year.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is campsites.

Statistical population

Campsites in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 1992 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Number of nights spent and arrivals (arrivals are also defined as guests).

Reference period

Month and year.

Frequency of dissemination

Monthly and yearly.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark, Section 8, cf. Consolidated act No. 599 of June 22, Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), Section 8, cf. Order no. 610 of 30 May 2018 (

Regulation 692/2011 of 6 June 2011 concerning European statistics on tourism (

Cost and burden

The respondent burden for the statistics "Nights spent at campsites" is estimated at 94.000 DKK pr. year (calculated 2004) regarding campsites with a minimum of 75 camping units. Campsites with 10-74 camping units have a respondent burden for estimated at 55.000 DKK pr. year (calculated 2004).


Further information can be found at the Subject page for these statistics, or by contacting Nanna Nikander Nonboe-Nygaard, tlf.: +45 20 56 39 57, e-mail: