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Statistical presentation

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Patents (Discontinued)

In the statistics are shown trade with IP-rights as well as the enterprises administration and use of these rights. Voluntary questions are to some extend included in surveys.

Data description

The purpose of the statistics is to show the size and the development in Danish enterprises' trade in IPR (patents, trademarks, design, utility models). The most important variables are:

  • Type of IPR-trade (purchase, sale, licensing)
  • Type of IPR traded (patent, trademark, design, utility model)
  • Trade partner
  • Trade within/without own activity/technological area
  • IPR-strategy

Copyright is not covered by the statistics.

Besides the compulsory questions also a number of voluntary questions are asked. These are:

  • Expectations concerning future trade in IPR
  • Pirate copying
  • Measures against pirate copying
  • Advantages and barriers related to purchase and licensing in of IPR
  • IPR and business development
  • Barrier's to export of IPR or establishment in emerging markets

Not all the voluntary questions will be continued in future surveys.

Classification system

Fields of resource fields (9) based on NACE.rev2 codes,

Sector coverage

NACErev2 classes C to N.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Design: Many inventions have also a design (the external form), which can be design protected if the design meets the conditions for registration. Design is the design and appearance of a product, such as clothing, furniture or kitchen appliances. Design is therefore the physical appearance, not a technical function.

Enterprise: The economic unit.

European Patent: A patent issued in Denmark only provide protection in Denmark, like a foreign patent provides no protection in Denmark. In the context of the European patent cooperation you can file a European patent application (EP application) which can take effect in up to 38 European countries where the patent should apply. A European application may also include Denmark. The European Patent Office is the patent authority in Europe. Denmark along with several other European countries are members. In practice, you might apply for a European patent by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office.

IPR: IPR is the English abbreviation of intellectual property rights. IPR including patents, trademarks, designs and utility models. Copyright is not included in Statistics Denmark's trade in IPR).

IPR Active: IPR active means companies that have been granted rights within a given period. The rights include patents, utility models, trademarks and design rights.

Patent: A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an invention. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is a product or a process. Patents are a form of intellectual property.

Patent trade: Trade with patents: Trade includes in addition to buying and selling; licensing (purchase and sale of licenses to exploit the patent).

Resource Field: A resource field includes, in principle, the industries that contribute to the production of related end products, and each resource field typically consists of industries with different location in the production chain. A resource area covers the whole value chain from primary producer to distribution by sale of end products - e.g. "from farm to fork".

Trade in Design: Trade in designs: Trade includes in addition to buying and selling; licensing (purchase and sale of licenses to exploit the design).

Trade in IPR: Trade in IPR: Trade includes in addition to buying and selling; licensing (purchase and sale of licenses to exploit the IPR).

Trade in Utility Models: Trade in utility models: Trade includes in addition to buying and selling; licensing (purchase and sale of licenses to exploit the utility model).

Trademark: A trademark is intended to serve as a hallmark of a company's products or the company itself. A mark must be represented graphically. Trademarks can consist of words, characters, slogans, letter and number combinations, or it can be a special shape of the product, for example a perfume bottle. Registration or use of a trademark concern is always the specific expression. The holder has the right to prohibit others from using the same word or figurative mark for their business or products.

Utility Model: If an invention is not patentable because it is not sufficiently different from the prior art, it may be possible to search the registered utility model. Utility models aimed at smaller technical creations and give like patents right to prohibit others from exploiting a specific invention. The purpose of utility models are especially to accommodate small business innovation and technical creations that do not qualify for a patent. Utility model protection is particularly common in furniture constructions and household tools.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

NACE classes C to N and with more than 10 FTE (Full Time Equivalent).

Reference area

Denmark excluding Greenland and Faroe Islands.

Time coverage

2007-2014 and 2017

Base period


Unit of measure

Percentage of enterprises in certain groups/strata.

Reference period

In 2007 the enterprises were asked for information on trade in IPR during the latest 5-year-period. In 2008 they were asked of the trade during 2003-2007 and in 2008. For 2009 and following years enterprises are only asked for trade during the last calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination

Latest surveys are on 2017 and 2014. Previously surveys were conducted each year.

Legal acts and other agreements

The act on Statistics Denmark (Act no. 610 of 30 May 2018).

Cost and burden

The respondent costs are estimated to DKK 245.000 - every third year


Statistics Denmark can be contacted if more information is needed