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Statistical processing

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Patents (Discontinued)

Annual data collection from a sample of 3,000 enterprises out of 17,000 with more than 10 FTE (Full Time Employed). The enterprises are grouped in 45 strata, each subdivided in two (prioritized/not prioritized)

The final weights are compiled according to total number of enterprises in each strata and the number of responding enterprises. In case unreliable data are observed, clarification is made via contact to the enterprises.

Source data

Trade in IPR is based on a survey of app. 3.000 Danish enterprises and information on NACE activity and size from statistical business register.

The sample represents about 17,000 enterprises. Enterprises which according to the Danish Patent and Trademark Office holds IP-rights are prioritized in the sample as well as enterprises with values of intangibles.

Frequency of data collection

The frequency have recently changed to every third year.

Data collection

Data are collected using a Web survey on Digital registration which are compulsory for all enterprises unless they have a dispensation.


Data validation

Outliers in activities on size groups or in resource fields are controlled. Unlikely records are verified by contact to the respondent. Data from enterprises holding IP-rights according to Danish Patent and Trademark Office are subject to a high level of validation.

Data compilation

Simple estimate of weight by total number of enterprises N divided by number of enterprises answering in respective strata (45 * 2)


No further corrections.