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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Mathias Dybdahl Bluhme
+45 40 22 56 37

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Production and Turnover in Manufacturing Industries

The current time series goes back to year 2000, and it has a high degree of comparability over time. The time series can for most industries be linked to data of previous years, resulting in a comparable time series going back to year 1985. The international comparability with similar statistics from other EU countries is very high.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics are produced according to common guidelines for all EU countries, ensuring good comparability across the entire EU.

At the Eurostat website under Short-term business statistics data tables for the production index and the turnover index are found.

Comparability over time

With the publication of figures for December 2014 new methods for calculating production were introduced. The entire time series of the production index was recalculated. Until the end of 2012 the name of the statistics was Industrial production and new orders. Before 2005 the statistics were called the Industrial sales and orders statistics. In Statbank Denmark, archived tables can be found, including the now discontinued variable for orders.

Coherence - cross domain

The turnover index is comparable to various other business statistics involving turnover data with the reservation of differences in statistical concept. Turnover data published in other business statistics are measured in terms of value while the Production and turnover in manufacturing industries statistics only publish indices. Comparisons are possible either by comparing growth rates between time periods or by calculating simple value or volume indices (deflated value indices). The turnover index is comparable to the following business statistics: Manufacturers' sales of goods and services - PRODCOM (quarterly), Purchases and sales by firms (monthly), International trade of goods (monthly) and accounts statistics for non-agricultural private sector (annual). The below lists key concepts of the comparable business statistics as well as each of their populations, statistical unit and which variable is comparable to the turnover index in the Production and turnover in the manufacturing industries statistics.

  • Manufacturers sales of goods (PRODCOM). The statistics describe manufacturers' sales of goods measured in terms of volume and value covering all enterprises with 10+ employees within NACE B (mining and quarrying) and C (manufacturing). Total sales are distributed by industries (NACE groups). The statistical unit is KAU's just as it is in the Production and turnover in manufacturing industries statistics as the only one of the other business statistics. If commercial (resale) turnover and other sales are deducted from total sales in Manufacturers' sales of goods, the two turnover variables are equally defined.

  • International trades in goods. Exports and imports are measured in terms of volume and value covering all exports and imports of goods to and from all countries in the world distributed on commodity codes but not industries. The external trade is comparable to the total export turnover index in the Production and turnover in manufacturing industries statistics. The statistical unit is however enterprises and External trade of goods only includes goods that physically cross the Danish boarder whereas turnover in the Production and turnover in the manufacturing industries statistics include all export turnover. Commercial (resale) turnover is included in the external trade statistics.

  • Purchases and sales by firms. The statistics are based on VAT reports from Danish enterprises sent to the Danish tax authorities. The variable Total sales consists of domestic sales and export sales. The level is comparable to the total turnover index of the Production and turnover in manufacturing industries. The statistical unit is enterprises. The VAT report data is primarily collected for administrative purposes whereas the statistical use of data is secondary.

  • Accounts statistics for non-agricultural private sector. The statistics provide key economic data on a sample of enterprises covering the private secondary and tertiary industries among others manufacturing industries. The statistical unit is enterprises.

Coherence - internal

Seasonal adjustment is calculated indirectly, which gives consistency between seasonally adjusted sums and their sub-components.