Statistical presentation
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Short Term Statistics, Business StatisticsMathias Dybdahl Bluhme
+45 40 22 56 37
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The statistics are a monthly statement of the production and turnover index for the industry. The statistics are divided into five groups defined on the basis of the use of goods and services (eg production of durable and non-durable consumer goods) and the main groups mining and quarrying (B), manufacturing (C) and energy supply (D) and 12 main industry groups under main group C, which follow the Danish industry nomenclature DB07. The turnover index is also calculated by dividing a domestic market turnover index and an export turnover index. All figures are published both adjusted for seasonal fluctuations and in actual figures.
Data description
The statistics describe the development in the industry's monthly production and turnover using indices with base year 2021.
The revenue index is divided into domestic and export markets. Revenue on the domestic market includes deliveries to recipients within the Danish customs area as well as to the drilling platforms in the North Sea, while export revenue includes deliveries directly to recipients outside the Danish customs border, including also to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Revenue consists partly of sales of the industrial companies' own products and partly of services performed for others. These services cover i.a. work for others as well as repair work. On the other hand, the part of the companies' turnover that relates to the sale of merchandise purchased for resale without further processing is not included. Other forms of turnover, including the sale of know-how and the rental of equipment manufactured by the company, are also not included.
Revenue is calculated at current prices as sales or invoice values excluding VAT, excise duties and insurance expenses, but including price subsidies, for example export subsidies. Possibly. invoiced discounts are deducted. Production is the amount of own goods or services performed by others that the industrial companies have produced.
Both production and turnover figures are published in five sectors and three main groupings (B, C and D) as well as twelve main industry groups under main group C, and a seasonal adjustment of the figures is also made.
Classification system
The statistics follow the industry groupings in the Danish industry nomenclature, DB07. For Eurostat, the statistics are compiled according to the standard groupings in NACE Rev.2 on which DB07 is based. The relationship between DB07 and NACE rev. 2. You can read more about this on Statistics Denmark's website under Danish industry nomenclature - Danish industry code. Here is also a complete description of the individual industries.
The tables in the Statistics Bank publish indices for 12 industry groups under Manufacturing, as well as Mining and Quarrying and Energy supply. The groups are from the 36 grouping of DB07. In addition, indices are published for some of the industries on the more detailed, just as indices are published for the entire industry excluding "ships and other means of transport", "pharmaceutical industry and engines", "wind turbines and pumps", respectively. Finally, the companies are divided into five special groupings according to the use of the goods and services traded: · Investment goods industry · Intermediate industry · Manufacture of durable consumer goods · Manufacture of non-durable consumer goods. · Manufacture of energy products and energy supply
Sector coverage
Manufacturing (division C), mining and quarrying (division B) and utilities (division D + E), cf. the 36 grouping of DB07. The main departments are described in detail in the Danish Industry Code 2007 (Danish industry nomenclature - Danish industry code). Section E is only included in the industry grouping “Manufacture of energy products and energy supply."
Statistical concepts and definitions
Mining and Quarrying: Extraction of raw materials such as oil and gas
Manufacturing: Companies that manufacture goods or services in relation to goods
Utilities: Companies that provide gas, electricity, heat and water.
Turnover: Sales or invoice value in current prices, excluding VAT and excise duties, but including price subsidies, eg export subsidies. Invoiced discounts are deducted.
Own goods: Goods that have been obtained, manufactured, further processed or collected by the reporting company. Own goods are also goods that the company has had manufactured in paid work for another company. Merchandise is not covered.
Merchandise: Merchandise is goods that are bought and sold without further processing. Repackaging alone is not further processing.
Services: Work for others and industrial services, such as repair and erection work.
Other turnover: Patents etc.
Production: Goods and / or industrial services companies produce, which are either sold immediately or come into stock.
Investment goods industry: Production of fixed capital eg machines.
Intermediate industry: Production of materials that other industries further process, for example chemical products.
Manufacture of durable consumer goods: Production of durable consumables eg furniture or electronics.
Manufacture of non-durable consumer goods: Production of non-durable consumer goods such as food, clothing and medicine.
Manufacture of energy products and energy supply: Production of eg oil, gas, electricity, water and heat.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is the so-called kind of activity unit (KAU), which is workplaces with the same industry belonging to the same industrial enterprise.
Statistical population
All Kind of activities units (KAUs) in the industries Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, gas and district heating supply as well as water supply, cf. the 36 grouping of DB07 . It is estimated that companies with less than 10 employees do not have significant economic activity and therefore they are not part of the population.
Reference area
Denmark excluding the Faroe Islands and Greenland. In some cases, a company's turnover will include goods that are physically manufactured outside Denmark, if they are manufactured for paid work for a Danish industrial company.
Time coverage
The statistics covers the period from 2000 onwards.
Base period
Point of reference for the indexes is the average production and turnover of 2021 which is shown as 100 in the indexes. The base year is updated every five years. Next update of base year will be in 2028 with the base year 2025.
Unit of measure
Reference period
Calendar month
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark secures the legal basis for collecting the data.
The statistics fall under Council Regulation (EF) no. 2019/2152 of 27. November 2019 on European Business Statistics followed by the Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to the mentioned EBS Regulation (General Implementing Act).”
Cost and burden
The burden was calculated for 2013 at DKK 3,235,000. The companies typically spend 20-30 minutes on each individual report.
The Production and turnover in manufacturing industries has a Subject page.