Purchase of commodities and services in the construction industry (Discontinued)
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Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2018
Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2017
Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2016
Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2015
Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2014
Purchase of Commodities and Services in the Construction Industry 2012
The purpose of the statistics is to give detailed information about services and materials used in the Danish constructional production. It is used, among other things for the national accounts. The statistics has been made since 2006. In its present form figures are comparable from 2012 and onwards.
Statistical presentation
The purpose of the statistics is to give detailed information about services and materials used in the Danish constructional production. The purchase of services are divided into 10 types of services and reported for 5 construction industries. The purchase of materials are divided into 44 material groups and reported for 5 construction industries. The statistic is based on a survey among construction companies.
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Statistical processing
The reported data is scaled to the total population of companies with main activity in construction. The scaling compensate for bias in the sampling and reporting. No numbers are imputed. The reported numbers are controlled for errors.
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The statistic is used mainly by the national account for information on the linkages between construction and other sectors.
Accuracy and reliability
It is estimated that the statistic has a reasonable quality at an aggregated level. At material-group level it is estimated that the quality is low. No quantitative measures of the total uncertainty of the statistic have been done. For the totals in purchase of materials and services the sample uncertainty is approximately 5 pct.. The statistic has a number of measuring errors. These are estimated as being a greater source of uncertainty than the sample uncertainty. the statistic is reliable in the sense that published numbers are rarely revised.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistic is published yearly, ultimo April.
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In the archive one can find statistics for the years 2006-2011 in the tables BYGT, BYGTX, BYGR and BYGRX. These statistics are not comparable to the new time series, since they are not scaled to the population. It is not possible to compare the data in the survey with other business surveys.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in the Statbank under Purchase of commodities and services in construction. For more information go to the subject page.