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Purchase of commodities and services in the construction industry (Discontinued)
The purpose of the statistics is to give detailed information about services and materials used in the Danish constructional production. The purchase of services are divided into 10 types of services and reported for 5 construction industries. The purchase of materials are divided into 44 material groups and reported for 5 construction industries. The statistic is based on a survey among construction companies.
Data description
The purpose of the statistics is to give detailed information about services and materials used in the Danish constructional production. The purchase of services are divided into 10 types of services and reported for 5 construction industries. The purchase of materials are divided into 44 material groups and reported for 5 construction industries. The statistic is based on a survey among construction companies. It is used, among other things, in construction the National account.
Classification system
The division of industries in the statistic is based on the Danish Industrial Classifications DB07
The industry groups according to the 127 standard grouping are:
- 41000 Construction of buildings
- 42000 Civil engineering
- 43001 Construction installation activities
- 43002 Building completion and finishing
- 43009 Bricklaying and other specialized construction activities and site preparation activities Further description of DB07: Danish Industrial Classifications DB07
Commodity codes follow the the EU Combined Nomenclature (CN) on a two-digit level. Only commodity group relevant for this statistic is included. For further description of the CN: EU Combined Nomenclature
Sector coverage
Statistical concepts and definitions
Traded goods: Commodities that are traded without being processed.
Commodities: Commodities are understood as all commodities/materials that are part of the final product or are processed and sold.
Services: Services include all billed expenditures for services bought externally.
Statistical unit
The units in the statistic are companies.
Statistical population
Populationen, som statistikken dækker, udgøres af virksomheder, som har hovedaktivitet inden for bygge- og anlægsbranchen.
Reference area
The statistic covers Danish construction companies. Foreign companies, that do construction work in Denmark, are not included.
Time coverage
The statistic covers the period of 2012 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
Value in 1.000 DKK and pct.
Reference period
The reference time for the survey is the stated period. Companies report their purchases of material and services in the stated financial year. Certain companies have a shifted financial year. In the statistical year 2016, these companies would report their purchases for the accounting year that finishes in the period 1st of May 2016 to 30th April 2017.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Subsection 1 of section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark. The Statistics is necessary because of estimations in the National Accounts.
Cost and burden
The burden for enterprises has estimated to 163.000 DKK.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Danish Statistics.