It can be problems in comparing figures over time. This is because the data are only collected every five years. The survey has been carried out for the reference periods 1998, 2002, 2007 and 2012. Since the 1998 survey, changes have been made in both calculation method and industry and product group nomenclatures.
Comparisons across reference years should be done with caution and taking into that statistical nomenclatures and methods have changed.
Comparability - geographical
To Eurostat the data are provided only for all Retail Business (according to EU's regulation). It is considered that there are good comparability across countries, because the statistics should be produced by common guidelines and principles.
Comparability over time
It can be problems in comparing figures over time. This is because the data are only collected every five years. The survey has been carried out for the reference periods 1998, 2002, 2007 and 2012. Since the 1998 survey, changes have been made in both calculation method and industry and product group nomenclatures.
The 1998 and 2002 surveys use the Danish Industrial Classification 1993 (DB93) and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 1996 (CPA 1996). The 2007 surveys uses the Danish Industrial Classification 2003 (DB03) and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 2002 (CPA 2002). The 2012 surveys uses the Danish Industrial Classification 2007 (DB07) and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 2008 (CPA 2008).
Comparisons across reference years should be done with caution and taking into that statistical nomenclatures and methods have changed.
Coherence - cross domain
The data are not directly comparable to other statistics.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.