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Retail Trade, by Goods (Discontinued)

The statistics provide data on the structure of retail trade turnover, industry turnover breakdown by product groups as well as product group retail sales by industries.

Data description

The statistics provide data on the structure of retail trade turnover, industry turnover breakdown by product groups as well as product group retail sales by industries.

Classification system

In the survey the following sectors of trade were used, in accordance with the Danish Industry Classification (DB07). The Danish Industry Classification (DB07) is the National version of Nace Rev. 2 activity classification. A full description of the activities can be found on DB07.

Sector coverage

Retail Trade.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Retail business: Business, which primarily sells products to private consumers, except retail sale of motor vehicles. For the study, we gather information on the firms annual turnover divided into different product groups.

Product groups: The product groups in the survey are according to the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity 2008 version, CPA 2008

Statistical unit

The units in the statistics are enterprises in the retail trade.

Statistical population

The statistics covers companies with major activities or in some cases secondary activity in the retail sectors, except retail sale of vehicles. Furthermore, bakeries with own production of baked goods classified as manufacturing, included in the statistics. The population excludes companies with an annual turnover below 2.5 million. kr. (but in some industries 1 million. kr.). The total number of enterprises in the population amounts to approximately 10,000.

Foreign companies with retail sales to Danes (eg. Businesses close to the Danish border or foreign internet shops) are not included in the statistics.

Reference area

The statistics covers Danish retail sales in Denmark.

Time coverage

The statistics covers the time period 2007-2012.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The distributions of turnover by products are given in percent.

Reference period

The data cover retail trade turnover for one year.

Frequency of dissemination

Every five years.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), Section 8, cf. Order no. 599 of 22 June 2000. From the reference year 2008: Regulation (EC) No. 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 concerning structural business statistics.

Cost and burden

The response burden has not yet been calculated.


The statistics has a subject page.