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Government Finances, Economic Statistics
Helene Gjermansen
+45 24 76 70 09

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The Public Sector Finances

These statistics are comparable from 1993 and onwards. The figures are produced according to international guidelines and are therefore comparable with similar estimates from other countries.

Comparability - geographical

Since the statistic follows the international guidelines for national accounts there is a high degree of comparison with other countries.

Comparability over time

The comparability is good, as there have been no changes in terminology or methods, and the data follows international national account requirements to a large degree. Something that may influence the comparability can be if a larger public company is divided into several companies within different industrial classifications.

This would influence the output and intermediate consumption as internal trade across industrial classifications is not removed. Trade between companies within the same group of companies would thus be included in data. At the same time, the split of a company has an effect on the level of gross fixed capital formation if sale of capital goods take place between two companies within the same group.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics are comparable with statistics for general government finances.

Coherence - internal

Data comes from different data sources but since all data are converted following the same international guidelines the internal consistency is assumed to be high.