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Statistical presentation

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Government Finances, Economic Statistics
Helene Gjermansen
+45 24 76 70 09

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The Public Sector Finances

The public sector's finances is an annual specification of the institutional distribution of activities carried out by the public corporations, giving total figures as well as figures divided into industrial groups. Furthermore, the statistics contain figures for the public sector and all public corporations and quasi-corporations.

Data description

The statistic describes the public area in economic terms that are directly comparable to the overall national accounts of the Danish economy. The statistic for public companies include all public corporation-like companies and public corporations. The public corporation-like companies are public institutions that operate on market terms and whose accounts can be separated from the state and municipal accounts. The public companies are organized by private law and are owned and / or dominated by public authorities.

The public companies are mainly in the utility and transport business. Public corporations differ from public administration and service in that they produce market goods and services, while public administration and services predominantly produce public (non-market) services that are made available to other parts of the economy; either free of charge or at prices that do not necessarily cover the cost of production.

Classification system

The statistics are based on the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA2010) and also the industrial classification DB07 (based on the European classification system NACE Rev. 2).

Sector coverage

The public sector, that is general government and public corporations.

Statistical concepts and definitions

ESA2010: The concepts in this statistics are described in the national account manual ESA2010.


Statistical unit

The entities included in this statistic are all entities in Statistics Denmark's business register which have a public sector sector code. The compilation of the statistics are based on both yearly accounts for institutional units and yearly accounts for central government, regions and municipalities.

Statistical population

The public sector

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistic covers the period 1993 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Million DKK.

Reference period

The figures relate to the financial year. If the financial year for a public corporation is different from the calendar year; the calendar year with the longest accounting period is selected as the financial year

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Paragraph 6 and 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark (in Danish). The statistic also follows the EU regulation 549/2013 and regulation 1893/2006.

Cost and burden

For the part of the statistic concerning general government, no calculation of the burden of response is done. For the public companies, the burden of response is estimated not to surpass 180 minutes a year for each company.


Additional information is available by contacting Statistics Denmark.