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Census of Housing

The purpose of the housing statistics is to analyze the total housing stock and population housing. The statistics is used in the municipal equalization system. The housing statistics has been conducted annually since 1981. The statistics is comparable from 2010 onwards.

Statistical presentation

The statistics are produced on a yearly basis and comprises all homes in Denmark. The statistics and is described through a number of variables; type of dwelling, type of ownership, type of heating installation, toilet, bathing, and kitchen facilities plus the year of construction and also the stock of occupied dwellings by tenure (rented or owner-occupied dwellings) type of household etc. In addition, the number of persons in dwellings by age and gender and number of children. The statistics are also geographically distributed by municipalities, regions and provinces.

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Statistical processing

BBR- and CPR-data are matched via addresses and dwellings are split into dwellings with and without registered population. Inconsistencies are corrected and data summed.

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Census of Housing is used by ministries, municipalities, companies and private persons.

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Accuracy and reliability

The degree of uninformed information for each variable is very little. Close cooperation between the BBR-authority and the Population Register in each municipality ensures a good match between the addresses in the two registers.

All property owners are obliged by law to notify changes such as extensions, demolitions or a new roof to the municipal BBR-authority. It is up to the homeowners to update information in BBR themselves, so it is doubtful that changes, for example in the number of rooms, toilet / bathroom conditions or change of heating are always notified BBR.

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Timeliness and punctuality

Data is released timely around 3-5 months after the reference period. The statistics are published without delay in relation to scheduled release times.

Read more about timeliness and punctuality


Then Census of Housing has been based on the BBR and CPR-registers since 1. January 1981. With the exceptions of a few variables the data are consistent from 1981. There are though certain reservations for comparison during this time period.

Read more about comparability

Accessibility and clarity

  • Website:

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