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Statistical presentation

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Annika Klintefelt
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Census of Housing

The statistics are produced on a yearly basis and comprises all homes in Denmark. The statistics and is described through a number of variables; type of dwelling, type of ownership, type of heating installation, toilet, bathing, and kitchen facilities plus the year of construction and also the stock of occupied dwellings by tenure (rented or owner-occupied dwellings) type of household etc. In addition, the number of persons in dwellings by age and gender and number of children. The statistics are also geographically distributed by municipalities, regions and provinces.

Data description

The Census of Housing describe the stock of dwellings and the housing condition of the population. The information is based on data from The Register of Buildings and Dwellings (BBR).

The statistics on dwellings includes region, year of construction, toilet, bathing, and kitchen facilities, type of heating, type of dwelling, type of ownership and tenure. The dwellings are grouped into dwellings with and without registered population and cottages without registered population. Dwellings with registered population is also published by type of household and number of persons in the household. There are also statistics on the average size of dwellings (square meters), average size per person (square meters) and average number of persons per dwelling.

The above mentioned variables are also published for persons in dwellings. Persons in dwellings are also broken down by age and sex.

Classification system

In the Census of Housing dwellings and cottages are split in: 1. - Dwellings with registered population (occupied dwellings) which are units in BBR (register on buildings and dwellings), where there in CPR are at least one person registered on the address* of the unit at the reference time. This therefore includes proper dwellings as well as units classified for other purposes 1. - Dwellings without registered population (unoccupied dwellings) are units in the BBR classified as proper dwelling, mixed dwelling and business or single rooms, where there are no persons registered at the address in CPR at the reference time 1. - Cottages without registered population (unoccupied cottages) are units in the BBR classified as cottages where there are no persons registered at the address in CPR at the reference time. Cottages are most often not used as registered address in the CPR

  • See description of match between BBR- and CPR-addresses under 'Data compilation' and 'Quality assessment'

Use of the dwelling is split on the basis of BBR-codes: 1. Detached houses/farmhouses (110,120) 1. Terraced, linked or semi-detached houses (130 vertical separation between units) 1. Multi-dwelling houses (140 horizontal separation between units) 1. Student hostels (150) 1. Residential buildings for communities (160) 1. Cottages (510, 540, 590) 1. Other uses (other BBR-codes)

(Note that residential buildings for communities and student hostels do not reflect the real number of dwellings with these uses)

The classification of the ownership of the units is based on BBR-codes: 1. Individuals inclusive partnerships (10) 1. Non-profit building society (20) 1. Limited liability company etc. (30) 1. Housing societies (41) 1. Public authorities (50,60,70,80 same municipality, other municipality, state, region) 1. Other or unknown (0,40,90 Unknown, union, independent institution, other ownership)

There has been problems with the quality of the ownership-data in certain years. See description under 'Quality assessment'

Geography: Regions (5), Provinces (11) and Municipalities (98)

The statistics can also be shown by tenure, year of construction, toilet-, bathing- and kitchen facilities, size of household, type of household, size of dwelling and age and sex of the occupants.

Sector coverage

Not applicable.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Dwelling: A dwelling is defined as a unit in the BBR with own address that has either a use classified as proper dwelling, mixed dwelling and business or single room or that at least one person has address in the CPR at the time of reference at the address of the unit. See more technical description under 'Data compilation'

Area of dwelling: The area of the dwelling includes the area of all living space including kitchen, bath, toilet and utilized attic. Basement area is included if it legally may be used for residential purposes. The area is measured from the outer side of the outer walls and includes in multi-dwelling houses also the share of stairwell area associated with the dwelling.

Dwelling with registered population (occupied dwelling): A dwelling with registered population has in the CPR at least one person with address in the dwelling at the time of reference. A business unit can count as a dwelling with registered population if a person has his address at the unit. See a more technical description under 'Data compilation'

Dwelling without registered population (unoccupied dwelling): A dwelling is a without registered population if the BBR-unit is classified as proper dwelling, mixed dwelling and business or single room and there is no person registered in the CPR at the address at the time of reference. Residential buildings for communities and cottages with no persons registered is not counted as dwelling without registered population. A part of the dwellings are unoccupied only for a short time in connection to relocations, some are used as cottages, while other are genuinely vacant.

Type of household: In the Census of Housing is used the same definition of households as in the general population statistics for most dwellings. Here households are split in single men, single women, married couples, other couples, children below 18 years not living with parents, other households including more than one family. There is though one more category 'More than one household within the home' in the Census of Housing. This is because some dwellings in the BBR is not split into sufficient number of units to match the CPR-addresses at the same floor. This is the case for some residential dwellings for communities etc.

Children: In the Census of Housing are only children living with parent counted. Children are defined as persons under the age of 25 living with one or both parents, who are not part of a couple and do not have children themselves.

Owner occupied dwelling: A dwelling occupied by owner and which is owned by individuals inclusive partnerships

Cottage without registered population (unoccupied cottage): An cottage without registered population is a unit in the BBR classified as cottage where there are no persons registered at the address in CPR at the time of reference

Statistical unit

Number of dwellings and number of residents.

Statistical population

Dwellings in Denmark and their occupants.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics cover the time period from 2010 onwards.

Base period

Not applicable.

Unit of measure

Number of dwellings

Number of persons

Size of dwelling in square meters

Reference period

The reference period is 1st January.

Late registrations of population data in the CPR up to 30 days after January 1st, are taken into account. Data from the Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings are drawn per 15. January.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Act on Statistics Denmark nr 599 of June 22, 2000.

Cost and burden

The statistics is based on administrative registers. There are no response burden.


Other information can be given on request.