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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Annika Klintefelt
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Census of Housing

BBR- and CPR-data are matched via addresses and dwellings are split into dwellings with and without registered population. Inconsistencies are corrected and data summed.

Source data

The Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings (BBR) and the Central Population Register (CPR). The Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings was established in 1977 (Act No. 243 of May 12, 1976). The purpose of the register is, through arrangements made by the local authorities, to provide for the systematic registration of information relating to buildings and dwellings for use in the administration and planning of both central and local government. The main purposes were primarily property assessment and the population and housing censuses. Several other purposes, mainly for municipalities, have later been added to the use of the register.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection


Data validation

Only BBR-units, which can be placed in a building, are included. (Buildings owned by the military is due to confidentiality not included in the census ex. all units at Christiansø)

CPR-addresses are 'cleaned' to match BBR-addresses. Only door numbers are changed, so if it contain letters they will be prefixed. Ex. '0tv9' is changed to 'tv09'. Less than 100 addresses are changed.

Inconsistencies between tenure, ownership and the result of the match between BBR- and CPR-addresses (dwellings with registered population) are corrected. Less than 1 pct. of the dwellings get another tenure (to either unknown or unoccupied)

Data compilation

Input data from the BBR and CPR-register are available i databases in Statistics Denmark. Data compilation consists mainly of matching data from these two databases via the addresses.

The address match includes:

A. More than one unit are placed on some addresses in BBR. One unit is chosen to represent the dwelling. In order of priority is:

  1. Only one dwelling unit (dwelling type 1-5, ie. only one unit with dwelling area)
  2. Only one proper dwelling (dwelling type 1)
  3. The unit with the largest dwelling area

B. If there at the floor level is only one address in the BBR but more than one in CPR, all CPR-households will be placed in the BBR-unit. This is the case in some residential buildings for communities.

C. CPR- and BBR-addresses are matched and the vast majority of the addresses are matched one CPR-address to one BBR-address with only one unit (dwelling).

D. CPR-addresses, that do not match a BBR-address, is then placed in an empty unit at the same floor, if available.

E. CPR-addresses still not placed in a BBR-unit is then placed in an empty unit at the same staircase, if available.

Match on same floor or staircase (D and E) are reused from quarter to quarter, so if a household does not change address i CPR, it will also be placed in the same BBR-dwelling next quarter, if no new address in BBR is matching 100 percent. This means that the match will be reused between quarters and households are not technically moved between dwellings.

Inconsistencies between residential status, ownership and tenure are corrected. Tenure is supplied with the BBR-delivery. It is constructed on basis of match between the BBR, CPR and the ESR (joint Municipal property register. If the owner(s) of a property at the time of the match has his address in CPR at a dwelling within this property, this dwelling has tenure as occupied by the owner. Residents in Housing societies are in this context renters as it is the Housing society which owns the dwellings. Are there no residents at an address, the dwelling has the tenure 'Unoccupied'. Tenure is corrected in the Census of Housing so there are no no inconsistencies between ownership, residential status and tenure.


No adjustments are made besides what is already mentioned at 3.4 and 3.5