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Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
Søren Østerballe
+45 23 42 32 97

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Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market

The current time series starts in 2008 and is without any data breaks. The statistics can be compared to selected results from the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. Eurostat and Unesco regularly publish reports on the same subject matters as this statistics.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics is not covered by any EU-regulations. UNESCO has published two relevant international comparison studies, one study is on the economic contribution of culture and another study on employment in culture. Eurostat publishes Culture statistics - 2019 edition with a selection of indicators on culture pertaining topics e.g. cultural employment and cultural enterprises. The publication's chapters 3 and 4 are especially relevant to Cultural Business Structure and Labour Markets.

Comparability over time

The time series covers the period from 2008 and onwards and is without any data breaks in the entire period.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics is compiled on the basis of the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Business Demography, Population and Educational Attainment.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for this statistics.