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Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market

The statistics on Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market are compiled annually and provide data on workplaces, entrepreneurs, jobs and persons employed in the cultural sector. Detailed results are disseminated through a number of tables in StatBank Denmark and main results and links to tables can be accessed at the subject page for economic conditions for culture as well as in the annual publication Culture (from 2015 and onwards).

Data description

The statistics on cultures business structure are compiled annually and provide data on workplaces, jobs and persons employed in the cultural sector. Information on persons is derived partly from the Register-based Labour Force Statistics and partly from the Personal Statistics Database. Information is available with regard to sex. age, origin, and highest level of education attained. Moreover, the statistics comprise the number of workplaces and number of jobs at the end of November, number of jobs converted into full time employment and aggregate payroll costs within the cultural sector. The results are presented according to geographical distribution (by municipalities or regions), by cultural domains, and according to whether activities are considered to be core or supporting activities.

Classification system

The cultural sector is defined by a number of 6-digit economic activity codes that have been assigned cultural domains and furthermore delimited into core and support activities, refer to document on Delimitation of economic activities Delimitation of activities. The statistic follows the Danish Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities 2007. Cultural educations are based on a list from the Ministry of Culture of selected cultural educational institutions providing artistic and cultural vocational educations, refer to the list of cultural educational institutions (in Danish only).

Sector coverage

The statistics covers the cultural sector. The cultural sector is defined by a number of 6-digit economic activity codes, refer to document on Delimitation of economic activities Delimitation of activities.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Workplaces (Establishments): An establishment (workplace) is defined as an organizational unit of an enterprise, which is located at a specific address. The statistics comprises all establishments (workplaces) with jobs at the end of November. Only workplaces linked to real active companies are included.

Full-time employees: The number of employees in full-time equivalents at the workplace during the year. The number of employees in full-time equivalents is calculated by setting the hours paid in proportion to the maximum number of hours of paid work during the year with a weekly employment of 37 hours (1,924 hours).

Payroll: Compensation for employees include A-income from which labour market contribution are paid. Compensation of employees also include ATP-contributions (Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme) and the taxable value of fringe benefits. Also included are the total actual contributions to pension schemes from the Central Pensions System operated by the Danish tax authorities. Reimbursement of maternity and sickness benefits for the employer are not part of compensation of employees.

Jobs: The number of jobs corresponds to all jobs at each establishment at the end of November, irrespective of the jobs being primary, secondary or primary jobs, etc.

Statistical unit

Persons, jobs and workplaces.

Statistical population

The population is every workplace within the cultural sector and the persons employed there

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics covers the period from 2008 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The statistics describe the payroll (wage and salary costs in mio. DKK), number of full-time employees, number of workplaces (establishments) and jobs (end of November), and the number and characteristics of employees in the cultural sector.

Reference period

The calender year. Workplaces and jobs: End of November in the reference year. Full-time employed and aggregate payroll costs: Calendar reference year. Personal information relates to the population resident in Denmark on 1 January with information on attachment to the cultural sector at the end of November of the previous year.

Frequency of dissemination

Statistics are published annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

Data are drawn from other public authorities and existing registers and data collection is based on Act on Statistics Denmark section 6.

Cost and burden

The statistics is based on register data. The response burden is therefore zero. Data is collected by Statistics Denmark during compilation of other statistics.


Please refer to the subject page of the statistics Education and employment in the cultural field.