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Statistical processing

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Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
Søren Østerballe
+45 23 42 32 97

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Cultural Business Structure and Labour Market

The statistics is based on edited register data from the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. The number of jobs are calculated for workplaces (establishments) in relevant activity sectors and are linked to personal data on e.g. age and educational status for employees.

Source data

The primary data are obtained from the Establishment-related Business Statistics, the Register-based Labour Force Statistics, Educational Attainment, and Business Demography. Refer to the relevant Documentation of statistics for supplementary documentation.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Data are collected from administrative registers.

Data validation

Data validation has been performed in the relevant source registers, refer to the relevant Documentation of statistics.

Data compilation

Basic data is taken from validated and edited sources. The delimitation of activities is based on the recommendations from Eurostat and has, in cooperation with the Danish Ministry for Culture, been adapted to a Danish context. It is based on the 4-digit NACE codes, while this delimitation is based on the 6-digit Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities. A list of relevant economic activities are shown in the document Delimitation of activities for culture’s business structure and labour market statistics. For the economic activities 90.01.10 (Theatres and concerts), 90.01.20 (Activities of individual artists), and 90.04.00 (Operation of arts facilities), the correct placement within Music or Performing Arts is based on a professional assessment. Based on the delimitation, the population is defined using the Establishment-related Business Statistics with respect to Enterprise Economic Unit (ØK_nr) and Workplace (ARB_nr). Employees are linked to these unit numbers by using de-identified personal identification numbers (PERSON_ID) and are linked to register data on educational attainment, educational institutions, and age, gender and origin. Information on start-up companies (entrepreneurship) are retrieved from the Business Demography register from the unit number ØK_nr.


No corrections to data is made other than those already described under Data Validation and Data Compilation.