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Food Industries, Business Statistics
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Milk and Dairy Products

Long time series data can be compiled. Every month and year are delivered data to Euro stat. Similar data for some of the variables are available for the EU member states at Euro stats homepage.

Comparability - geographical

Every month and year figures are submitted to the statistical office of EU, Euro stat. Data for all EU countries can be found in the Eurostat database . The statistics are produced following the principles of an EU regulation, so the results are comparable.

Comparability over time

The statistics on dairy product have a long history and the key figures covering the past 100 years are comparable. During the late 1920s, the statistics were improved and since the Second World War, statistics achieving complete coverage have been compiled. Long time series data can be compiled.

The consumption of milk by the producers is part of the total milk production. It is milk that is not sold to a dairy, but is either used for feed primarily for the baby calves and for human consumption. This consumption is estimated and adjusted regularly. - From 1 January 2025, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm is 2.376 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle is 75 million. kg. milk. - From 1 January 2020, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm is 3.024 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle is 75 million. kg. milk. - From 1 January 2015, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm is 3.87 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle is 75 million. kg. milk. - From 1 January 2012, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm was 4.32 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle was 75 million. kg. milk. - From 1 January 2009, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm was 5 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle was 75 million. kg. milk. - Before 1 January 2009, the consumption of milk for human consumption at the farm was 10 million. kg and consumption for feed for the young cattle was 125 million. kg. milk.

In the past, the production of milk has been regulated in the EU, in the period 1984 up to and including April 2015 there have been milk quotas which have controlled the production of cow's milk in Denmark. As compensation for the declining milk price (incorporated in the EU agricultural reform), a total milk prize of DKK 389,1 million was paid out in 2004. In 2005, the milk prize premium ceased to exist and was replaced by an extra charge, which is included in the farmers subsidies according to the new single-farm payment scheme.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics cover the period from 1990 onwards. However, statistics can be found from the beginning of the 20th century, where it has been possible to compare time series. Older data can be found on Landbrug 1999-2011, Landbrugsstatistik 1998-1959 and Landbrugsstatistik 1900-1965. Danish Agriculture & Food Council publishes comprehensive statistics

Coherence - internal

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