Contact info
Food Industries, Business StatisticsMona Larsen
+45 24 81 68 47
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The statistics is of great interest to agricultural organizations, the Ministry of Environment and Food and the EU. The figures is used intern in Statistics Denmark to estimate quantity and price index, and the Account for Agriculture, which is included in the National Accounts. Data on milk and dairy product are delivered every month to Euro stat.
User Needs
The statistics is of great interest to agricultural organizations, the Ministry of Environment and Food and the EU. The figures is used intern in Statistics Denmark to estimate quantity and price index, and the Account for Agriculture, which is included in the National Accounts. Data on milk and dairy product are delivered every month to Euro stat.
User Satisfaction
There is no expert group linked to the statistics, but there is ongoing dialogue with the users of the statistics. The main impression is that most users are satisfied with the statistics. Data are delivered to Euro Stat, where data also being checked.
Data completeness rate
This statistics affected by demands from EU in directive 96/16/EF and Commission decision 97/80/EF.